
Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery

Lily's Florist - ACT's finest delivery florist

With over 500 flower arrangements to choose from, you’re sure to find the best for your loved one right here at Lily’s Florist. We have beautiful bouquets, impressive flower bunches, adorable posies, and fragrant blossoms as well as gift hampers, flowers with wine, and flowers with chocolates. Regardless of the occasion, Lily’s Florist has an impressive yet affordable flower gift to offer.

Fresh Flowers For All Occasions At Great Prices

Our bunch of blue and white blossoms makes a nice get-well gift. We have a single red rose bouquet at $29 that you can send to someone you admire. Looking for thank you flowers? Choose from lilies, carnations, and natives in vase. Want something sweet? Try our pink bunch with free chocolates. If you are looking for something truly romantic, we have red rose bouquets available in half-dozen, one dozen, two dozen, and three dozens. Of course, the timeless single rose in presentation box and three roses in vase are also available.

All our flower arrangements are meticulously designed and prepared by a highly skilled florist. We’re proud to work with dedicated and hardworking partner florists to address your flower delivery needs. The delicate and raw beauty of the suburb has been impressively portrayed by the works of these florists. Order a bouquet for someone dear or maybe treat yourself to a nice vase-assembled arrangement of long-lasting Aussie native blooms and charming wildflowers.

Modern Flower Bouquets Delivered to Aranda

To balance off the rustic vibe in Aranda are our stylish and modern floral creations. Who else can turn a single stem of red rose into an eye-catching bouquet? Our partner florist can do just that and more. Ordering flowers online is very easy and convenient. A few swipes and clicks on your computer or smartphone is all it takes to buy a special flower gift for someone you care about. We have roses, carnations, fragrant lilies, natives, gerberas, and tropical blossoms for birthdays, anniversary, wedding, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, graduation, promotion and corporate events.

If you need your flowers right away, opt for our same-day delivery service available for orders placed before 2 PM on weekdays or 10 AM on Saturdays. We can deliver not just to Aranda but also to the surrounding suburbs of Belconnen, Macquarie Cook and Bruce.