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Need flowers tomorrow? Order online at Lily’s Florist and take advantage of our awesome flower deals! We’ll get those lovely blossoms delivered right to your loved one’s door - fresh and on time!

We have premium blooms perfect for celebrating any occasion. We have the best flower gifts that will give the best value to your money. View our flower categories and find different flower arrangements to suit your needs.

Lily’s Florist – Melbourne’s Best Online Flower Shop

As Melbourne’s most trusted online flower shop, we’re committed to delivering a consistently reliable flower delivery service. With our always dependable partner florists, you’re assured of timely delivery and fresh flowers that are flawless and fabulous. Whether you need a romantic bouquet of pink roses or simply a bunch of cut flowers in season, you’ll be in for a treat.

We don’t just gather pretty blooms and turn them into an assembly of flowers. Each stem of flower is carefully inspected and handpicked by a flower expert. When crafting flower arrangements, our partner florists consider not only the principles of flower arranging but also the language of flowers. This means that you’ll get a floral ensemble that’s professionally designed, beautiful, and meaningful.

Birthday Flowers and Gifts in Melbourne

The creativity and thoroughness employed by our partner florists in creating each flower arrangement make our flowers the perfect gifts. So if you’re looking for a birthday bouquet that will bring the happiest birthday cheer and will deliver a warm birthday message, just shop online at Lily’s Florist.

You can pick a birthday flower arrangement designed with the recipient’s birth month flower – Carnation (January), Violet (February), Daffodil (March), Daisy (April), Lily of the Valley (May), Rose (June), Larkspur (July), Gladiolus (August), Aster (September), Marigold (October), Chrysanthemum (November), and Narcissus (December). Another good choice for a birthday flower gift is a bouquet featuring blooms in the recipient’s favourite colour.

Fast Same Day Flower Delivery to Ashburton

Need a bouquet with an extra gift? Add a bottle of wine or a box of chocolate to any floral arrangement. Whichever floral design you choose, you can count on us to deliver it fresh to the lucky recipient. Lily’s Florist delivers fresh flowers and gift hampers to homes, hospitals, churches, schools, and offices in the suburb of Ashburton in Melbourne, Victoria.