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“Have you chosen a design?”

“What colour do you like?”

“Have you ordered flowers yet?”

“Your wedding is in a month’s time!”

Ok, please don’t panic! These are incessant questions and comments you will get from people when you decide to DIY your wedding ceremony decoration, but you don’t have to fret because these questions actually have answers!

Lily’s Florist is here to be your personal flower helper. Welcome! Let us talk about more of this and find out what flowers will make your most special day a grand moment to remember.

Our team of qualified, skilled, and experienced partner florists are always ready to help especially when you need advice on flowers – that is our forte. Now for special occasions like weddings, we would like you to be relaxed and avoid the stress. Lily’s Florist delivers flowers in retail or bulk, send us the details and we will handle the work for you.

For starters, browse through these tips we have collated in choosing the right flowers for your wedding.
  1. Find an inspiration
Being completely blank about wedding flowers is a real challenge. Be open-minded and find some pegs from bridal magazines, wedding flowers photography, or even the past weddings you have attended. Ask around to get some ideas then pick the ones that suit your taste. Knowing the meaning of flowers would help a lot too.
  1. Narrow your selection
If you already have a list of the flowers you are considering for your wedding, now is the time to narrow the selection. You might want to consider your preferences in terms of colour, appearance, and of course how your partner feels about it. If it seems like a decision made in heaven, jot it down and mark it as your potential final wedding flower choice. Make sure that you have the list classified for your bridal bouquet, table centerpiece, and aisle adornment.
  1. Check your budget
By now you might have names of flowers in your mind, suddenly you are sort of a flower guru in your own way. There might be some popular choices in your mind like lily of the valley, peonies, calla lilies, or hydrangeas – the question is, will these suit your budget?  It’s important to be realistic when it comes to your budget. Our partner florists at Lily’s Florist can help you sort out your details and recommend the best flowers that match your budget.
  1. Go into specifics
Now that you have a final say on the budget and the flowers you will use, it’s about time you delegate some tasks on the flowers. What flowers will do best for your bridal arch, which one for the table centerpiece, which one for your entourage, and last but not least, which one for your bridal bouquet.
  1. Select your preferred bridal bouquet type
There are several types of bouquet so you better not be fickle-minded on this one. Do you like your bouquet round, tied, trailing, or bundled in a posy? Your style will certainly be reflected in the kind of bouquet that you will carry on your wedding day so choose according to your taste.
  1. Prepare everything else
After you have settled the most important flower arrangement – that is your bridal bouquet, now is the time to figure out the flowers for your entourage. List down everything so you wouldn’t miss anything. Make sure that you have the flowers ready for your bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girls, and the corsages for the VIP women in the wedding like your mothers, aunts, and grandmothers.
Other than the bride and groom, flowers are one of the main attractions in weddings so you need to take time in choosing the right flowers for significant ceremonies like weddings.

Take our word for it and let’s make your wedding grander and better with flowers delivered by Lily’s Florist.