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Send flowers online now with Lily's Florist.

Check out our daily flower specials here at Lily’s Florist and get big savings on fresh flower gifts. Your satisfaction is guaranteed with our wide range of flowers for all occasions, affordable pricing, express same day delivery, and impressive floral designs hand-prepared by artisan florists.

If you are looking for great value flowers for delivery to the semi-rural residential suburb of Baldivis in Perth, just shop at Lily’s Florist. As a trusted online florist, you can feel safe in knowing that our qualified partner flower experts can meet and even exceed your expectations. No matter the flower design you’re looking for, you can find it here at Lily’s Florist.

We also have flowers to accommodate every budget. In fact, you can get three gerberas wrapped bouquet style for just $32. Want a rose? Get one with a paper bouquet wrapper for just $28. Whether you need flowers under $50 or grand arrangements of three dozen roses, Lily’s Florist can provide just what you need.

Say It With Flowers

Our expressive flower arrangements and bouquets make excellent gifts to speak what’s in your heart. When words aren’t enough to let someone special know how much you treasure her, say what you mean through the language of flowers. Lily’s Florist has flower gifts that say “I love you,” “I miss you,” “I’m sorry,” and “You’re always on my mind.” We also have flower arrangements that communicate sympathy and condolences. Also available are floral designs for conveying appreciation and gratitude.

Send encouragement and support to your loved ones through one of our bright and colourful flower arrangements. When sending cheer up flowers, Lily’s Florist recommends flower arrangements with intense and brilliant colours. Flowers in orange hue give off hope, sunshine, enthusiasm, faith, and stimulation. Yellow flowers instantly brighten one’s mood with its glowing shade. Another colour that can bring some cheer is the colour green. This calming hue of nature encourages growth and offers a sense of hope. The shade purple is also capable of lifting spirits. Being the colour associated with spirituality, wisdom and power, it makes people feel inspired, motivated, and empowered. The striking colour red can also convey your message of encouragement. Flowers in this hue are said to bring courage and a surge of energy.

So shop today and get a bright mixed posy to cheer up a brokenhearted friend. Pick our mixed orange bunch to send get well wishes to a loved one who’s feeling under the weather. Our bright yellow arrangement is ready to deliver sunshine to a coworker who’s been down in the dumps.

And to make your flower gift extra delightful, why not add a box of chocolates or some colourful balloons.  Lily’s Florist also has bottles of wine, baskets of fresh fruits, gift hampers, and teddy bears that you can include in any floral ensemble.  A little treat for a small price can make your present extra thoughtful.

Flowers to Baldivis Delivered Same Day

Lily’s Florist has partner florists who can hand-deliver flower gifts to every nook and cranny in Baldivis. Our partner florists can reach both residential and commercial addresses. We deliver bouquets, bunches, and gift hampers around Tuart Rise Primary School, Makybe Rise Primary School, Tranby College, Baldivis Primary School, Baldivis Shopping Centre, and Fifty Road Recreation Centre.

For express same-day delivery of fresh flowers, all you need to do is place an order before 2PM of a weekday or before 10AM of a Saturday. Lily’s Florist delivers flower gifts six days a week but our online store is open to accept orders 24/7.  Feel free to purchase flowers in advance and never miss sending a gift again.

If you need help with picking the right flower design, contact us by phone and we’d gladly provide some recommendations. Lily’s Florist is here to make flower gift shopping more fun, convenient, and inexpensive for you. Buy flowers with confidence here at Lily’s Florist.