
to Belconnen

Want to make someone super happy in Belconnen? You can send amazing fresh flowers right to their door today! We've got tons of cool flowers like bright roses and awesome Australian natives, plus you can add fun stuff like chocolates or a cuddly teddy bear to make your gift even more special. Our friendly flower partner florists have been making our customers smile since 2009, and they're super careful to pick the freshest flowers just for you. Order flowers to Belconnen before 2 PM on weekdays or 10 AM on Saturdays, and we'll deliver them the same day!

Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Lily's Florist Delivers to Belconnen ACT

Flower Delivery Highlights

Product Range - Wide selection including fresh rose bouquets, lily posies, carnations, vase arrangements, boxed sets, native Australian flowers, and gift hampers for all occasions.
Featured Bouquet - Floriade Arrangement from $95.95, featuring pink roses, gerbera daisies, green chrysanthemums, and white spray chrysanthemums in a modern box design.
Florist Network - Australian-owned since 2009 with 900+ partner florists nationwide. Each florist brings 10+ years of experience to every arrangement.
Delivery Options - Same-day delivery available when ordering before 2PM weekdays or 10AM Saturdays. Prices start from $42 with deliveries throughout Belconnen.

Awesome flower gifts are here. Shop flowers online at Lily’s Florist and send the most beautiful fresh flower bouquets to your loved ones in Belconnen. Lily's Florist is one of Canberra's most trusted online flower delivery expert.

We’re a trusted online florist offering a wide variety of flower gift options to suit your specific requirements. Our flowers start at $42 and are available for express same-day delivery to anywhere in Belconnen ACT.

Looking for a nice get-well present for a friend? Perhaps a colourful birthday bouquet for a colleague? Maybe Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day flowers for same-day delivery? Whatever it is that you need, Lily’s Florist has a reliable flower delivery solution to offer.

Flowers by Partner Belconnen Florists

Since pioneering fresh flower delivery in 2009, Lily's Florist has blossomed into a trusted flower network, connecting customers with 900+ skilled partner florists across every state including he ACT and Belconnen. As a fully Australian-owned company, we stand out by partnering only with floral expert who bring 10+ years of hands-on experience to every arrangement - ensuring each bouquet reflects decades of botanical craftsmanship. When you order flowers with Lily's Florist, either online or by phoning one of our staff, your order is then relayed to the closest flower shop in Belconnen, if for some reason they cannot accept the order (perhaps due to flower stock levels), your order is then sent to the nearest possible flower shop closest to Belconnen.

Featured Flower Bouquet to Belconnen

Floriade Arrangement - from $95.95

Aptly named after Floriade in Canberra this has become really popular over the last 12 months. It's a relatively new product for Lily's Florist but its sure one we will stick with!

What Our Customers Are Saying

Customer Rating
Based on recent reviews
Verified Orders
Happy customers
On-Time Delivery
Delivery success rate

* One note about the reviews below. They are real reviews of our Floriade Arrangement but we have taken only the best reviews to display here. Moreover, the flower reviews listed could be for customers who send flowers to Belconnen, but some may not be, they could be from people who this flower arrangement to other parts of the ACT, or even much further away places around Australia.

Our Customer Experience

At Lily's Florist, every bouquet tells a story of joy, celebration, and heartfelt connections. Our customers consistently praise not just our stunning flowers, but also our dedication to making every order special.

Exceptional Service

Our commitment to customer service shines through in every interaction. As Julie from interstate shares, "Excellent customer service during phone call from interstate. Very nice speaking lady who explained in detail the flowers I could purchase." This personalized attention is what sets us apart.

Amy Bajric's experience reflects our efficiency: "Quick & simple, delivered as promised. Easy ordering process, and the flowers & balloon were lovely. Delivered within the timeframe that was advised."

Beautiful Blooms

The quality of our flowers consistently delights recipients. As Leanne's notes, "Thank you so much Mum loved the flowers she said they were beautiful. It's lovely that you got the flowers to her over Easter and with little notice."

Shirley appreciated our selection: "Very pleased with the flowers, in colour and size. Easy to see the selections and variety." This attention to detail ensures each arrangement meets our high standards.

Reliable Delivery

Timely delivery is crucial for special occasions, and we take pride in our reliability. David Bingham confirms this: "Great service and delivered on time and when required, will definitely recommend this service and use it again."

Eric's succinct review captures our commitment: "Flowers just great, on time service, 1st class."

Easy Ordering Experience

We've designed our website to make ordering flowers a breeze. Janine's review reflects this: "Beautiful Flowers. The website was very easy to use and the flowers and delivery were great."

Even for first-time customers like Luke Horsley, the process is straightforward: "Bloody good job and easy for a bloke to book for the misso."

Satisfaction Guaranteed

The joy of recipients validates our dedication to excellence. Helen's shares: "Recipient said she was delighted with flowers," while Conny Crupi confirms: "Lovely flowers delivered promptly, thank you."

excellent beautiful lovely delightful friendly prompt great

What's in the Arrangement

  • Pink Roses 
  •  Pink Gerbera Daisies 
  •  Green Chrysanthemums 
  •  White Spray Chrysanthemums

Expert Technical Analysis of this Arrangement

Summary of Key Points
  • This box arrangement leverages a cheerful, tri-colour palette: pastel pink, green, and white.
  • Large gerberas serve as focal points, supported by pink roses and green button chrysanthemums or buds.
  • The compact, dome-like shape suits a box arrangement, providing a modern yet balanced aesthetic.
Colour Theory & Harmony
  • Tri-Colour Palette: Shades of pink (gerberas, roses), bright green (button chrysanthemums or buds), and white (small daisies or spray chrysanthemums) create a lively interplay of hues.
  • Contrasting Colours: The pink and green contrast sharply on the colour wheel, giving the arrangement freshness and vibrancy. White acts as a neutral anchor, preventing the palette from becoming overwhelming.
Floriade Arrangement to belconnen
Flower Selection & Role

Focal Blooms – Gerberas:

These larger daisy-like flowers stand out due to their bold shape and distinct markings (dark centres with bright pink edges).

Gerberas naturally draw the eye, making them natural focal or “star” flowers in the design.

Supporting Flowers – Roses:
  • The pink roses provide a romantic, soft texture that offsets the more graphic shape of the gerberas.
  • Their layered petals and rounded form introduce visual contrast and a sense of luxury.
Accents – Green & White Blooms:
  • Green button chrysanthemums (or another similar green bloom) bring in a pop of lively colour and a compact, ball-like shape.
  • Small white daisies or spray chrysanthemums lighten the composition and fill spaces gracefully.
Compact, Dome-Like Shape:
  • The flowers are arranged at roughly the same height, creating a rounded “posy” effect.
  • This style suits a box or container arrangement, ensuring a neat, stable design.
Foam or Container Medium:
  • In a box arrangement, florists often use floral foam to secure stems.
  • The foam allows precise placement of each stem, maintaining the symmetrical structure.
Proportion & Scale

Even Distribution:

  • The arrangement features an even spread of pink gerberas and roses, balanced by smaller green and white accents.
  • Proper proportion is achieved by interspersing the larger blooms with smaller ones, preventing any single flower type from dominating.

Container-to-Floral Ratio:

  • The box has enough depth to house floral foam and support stems while highlighting blooms just above the container rim.
  • This ensures the arrangement looks neither top-heavy nor submerged.
Texture & Visual Interest

Combination of Petal Styles:

  • Gerberas’ wide, flat petals contrast with the layered, tightly folded petals of roses.
  • Button chrysanthemums add a velvety, rounded texture.

Subtle Leafy Greens:

  • Small leaves tucked among the flowers further enhance dimension and highlight each bloom’s shape.
Fragrance & Practical Considerations

Fragrance Profile:

  • Gerberas are typically less fragrant, while roses can bring a gentle floral aroma.
  • The overall scent is more delicate compared to heavily perfumed flowers (e.g., lilies).


  • Using floral foam requires adequate hydration for lasting freshness. Topping up with water daily keeps the foam moist and prevents wilt.
Overall Artistic Impact
  • Playful Yet Refined: The vibrant pink-and-green contrast feels fun and upbeat, while the inclusion of roses lends a classic elegance.
  • Modern Presentation: The box container provides a contemporary look, making the arrangement suitable for various occasions.
  • Balanced Composition: Carefully spaced focal blooms and supporting flowers contribute to a visually appealing, coherent design.

This arrangement, by Lily's Florist to Belconnen, exemplifies a well-executed box design, where the juxtaposition of vivid pink gerberas, soft pink roses, fresh green accents, and bright white daisies creates a delightfully balanced display. The rounded, compact shape, combined with thoughtful colour and textural contrasts, showcases professional floristry skill in both aesthetic and functional aspects.

So What do We Think in a Less Technical Way

We believe Lily’s Florist earns such high praise because we do more than just deliver flowers—we deliver a personal touch. Reading through reviews from people like Julie, who appreciated our clear explanations over the phone, or Amy, who got her order “delivered within the timeframe promised,” it’s clear that reliability and warmth define our service.

Beyond promptness, customers frequently comment on the quality and variety of our blooms, from Leanne’s mother who called them “beautiful” to Shirley noting “in colour and size” that matched her exact preferences. These details show that our florists care deeply about artistry and freshness, ensuring each bouquet arrives looking just as pictured (or even better).

At the heart of it all is simplicity: whether you’re an experienced flower buyer or someone like Luke, who said it was “easy for a bloke” to order for his partner, Lily’s Florist is designed to be user-friendly. It’s that blend of straightforward ordering, consistently lovely arrangements, and genuine customer care that keeps people coming back—and makes us proud of what we do.

Like what you have read? You can order our Floriade Arrangement for yourself or someone you can for in Belconnen here. If you prefer, you can also call one of our friendly staff on 1800 466 534.

Belconnen Flowers For All Occasions

Be impressed by our selection of gorgeous fresh roses bouquets, posies of fragrant lilies, bunches of pink flowers, red, or yellow carnations, vase-assembled floral arrangements, inexpensive flower sets in boxes, gift hampers and more to Belconnen Monday through Saturday. We have the typical flower and chocolate gift and the more unusual vase-assembled bunch of long-lasting Australian native flowers. We do have flower gifts for children too and they include packets of lollies, teddy bear, or a stationery gift basket. Flowers with wine, business flowers, funeral wreaths and sheaths, and celebration flower packages are also available.

All of our flower arrangements are prepared by hand by a qualified partner florist. These are all hand-delivered too so you can be assured that the recipient will get your present fresh and on time. Lily’s Florist delivers to all addresses in Belconnen regardless if it’s a commercial or residential address.

Same Day Flower Delivery to Belconnen

Our flowers suit just about any occasion. Ordering is easy and guaranteed secure at our website. It will only take a few minutes for you to get flowers for your family, friends and loved ones in Belconnen. Meet our 2PM weekday cut-off or 10AM Saturday cut-off and we can have your gift delivered the same day. We use the freshest flowers from the best local growers and suppliers so they are guaranteed to look awesome and stay fresh for days. Lily’s Florist is an Aussie-owned and operated business ready to address your Canberra flower delivery needs.

Flower Delivery FAQ - Belconnen

Delivery Times and Areas

Do you offer same-day flower delivery in Belconnen?

The map below is purely for display purposes only and is ONLY intended to display the delivery area of our partner florists in or close to Belconnen. Lily's Florist is not located in Belconnen. To learn more about our partner florist network click here.

Yes, we offer same-day flower delivery throughout Belconnen ACT. Order by 2:00 PM Monday to Friday, or by 10:00 AM Saturday for same-day delivery.

Who creates my flower arrangements?

Your flowers are crafted by our network of 900+ partner florists across Australia. Our Belconnen partners bring over 10 years of hands-on experience to each arrangement. Orders are relayed to the closest flower shop in Belconnen or nearest available location.

Our Flowers and Services

What's your price range?

Our flower arrangements start from $42, with options including:

  • Basic bouquets
  • Premium arrangements
  • Custom designs
  • Featured arrangements like our Floriade Arrangement ($95.95)

What types of arrangements do you offer?

We provide a wide variety including:

  • Fresh rose bouquets
  • Fragrant lily posies
  • Carnation bunches (pink, red, or yellow)
  • Vase arrangements
  • Boxed flower sets
  • Native Australian flower arrangements
  • Gift hampers

Gift Additions

What extras can I add to my order?

Enhance your flowers with:

  • Chocolates
  • Lollies
  • Teddy bears
  • Wine either red or white
  • Sparkling wine
  • Vases
  • Balloons

Quality Assurance

How do you ensure flower quality?

We maintain high standards through:

  • Using the freshest flowers from local growers
  • Professional hand-arrangement by qualified florists
  • Hand delivery service
  • Quality inspection before delivery
  • Careful selection of seasonal blooms

Special Occasions

What occasions do you cater to in Belconnen?

We create arrangements for:

  • Birthdays
  • Mother's Day
  • Valentine's Day
  • Business occasions
  • Funerals (wreaths and sheaths)
  • Celebrations
  • Children's gifts

Ordering Process

How can I order flowers?

Order easily through:

  • Our secure website
  • Phone consultation. Orders typically take just a few minutes to complete.

Customer Support

How can I get help with my order?

Our Australian-owned and operated team provides support through:

  • Online assistance
  • Phone consultation
  • Email support We're ready to help with all your Belconnen flower delivery needs.

Read our entire FAQ here.