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Flowers make timeless gifts. They do not go out of fashion. They’re appreciated on every occasion. Their appeal captivates all generations. You can never go wrong with flowers. So if you’re thinking of surprising someone you care about today with a non-occasion floral gift, go ahead and just do it. Shop online at Lily’s Florist for mesmerizing “just because” bouquets.

Flowers as the Classic Gift of Love

There is absolutely no reason why you have to wait for Valentine’s Day to give someone flowers. You don’t wait for a specific date to show someone important how much you care. Express your love spontaneously and do it through a simple flower gift. Lily’s Florist has an assortment of flower arrangements perfect for reminding someone that your’ thinking of them.

Convey affection, show gratitude and appreciation, say “I love you” or “I’m sorry” through fresh flowers. The unique language of flowers will help you communicate what’s in your heart and allow you to express how you feel in a more heartstring-tugging way.

Shop Meaningful Bouquets Online at Lily’s Florist

Choosing the perfect flower gift is easy. Aside from selecting a bouquet with the recipient’s favourite flowers or favourite colour, you can also pick one with blooms that represent what you want to say. In the language of flowers, azalea means “take care of yourself for me” and red carnation says “my heart aches for you.” Bluebell is a flower of humility, cyclamen is for goodbye, daisy is for innocence and dandelion is for faithfulness. Blue hyacinth means constancy and lily of the valley means sweetness.  Orchid is the flower of beauty and refinement. Peony is one of happy marriage and happy life. 

You can also pick a bouquet in a colour palette that represents how you feel or what you want the recipient to feel. The powerful colour red is for love, passion, and confidence. The vibrant and energetic orange hue is for representing change and encouragement. Yellow is for friendship and for warm feelings of happiness and comfort. Green sends a calming and relaxing vibe while blue depicts calmness and stability.

Flowers Delivered Same Day to Berkeley, NSW

​Our partner florists can prepare just about any floral ensemble you can think of. Order today and see how their creative hands work. Shop for a bunch of blooms for someone you love or for yourself. We deliver to residneitnal and business addresses in and around Berkeley in Wollongong, NSW.