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Looking for something that is truly special? Lily’s Florist’s exclusive Boutique Range offers you a selection of the finest flower arrangements you can find in Australia. These delicately made bouquets, bunches and baskets of blooms highlight the glorious beauty of flowers and its vivid language. Our Boutique range features luxurious floral decors designed by combining traditional and modern floristry. Our experienced and skilled partner florists designed each of these flower ensembles with love and care. So get ready to explore this fine collection and be stunned by these extra beautiful floral creations.

Baskets of sweet and heavenly blooms that speak the language of love

Who can resist a basket of enchanting flowers? These Lily’s Florist creations are bursting with beauty and elegance. Our innovative selection of boutique flower baskets features chic and sassy flower arrangements that will delight every recipient. Send one to your dear grandmother or to your Mum on Mother’s Day. These Boutique flowers also make nice new baby presents and welcome home gifts. Superior quality blooms are artfully arranged in a keepsake basket that the recipient can reuse. Whether you choose one with a bright and festive theme or something with a soft, delicate and classy look, your flower present will surely deliver happiness and joy no matter the season or occasion.

Boutique flowers sourced from dedicated growers around the world

Allow us to supply you with premium quality blooms sourced from our trusted suppliers across the globe. These fresh flowers are hand-arranged by our team of highly qualified and talented florists. Whether you’re looking for something ultramodern or a classic arrangement, we can offer something wonderful to suit your taste. Our Boutique Range specially features flowers perfect for those with very discriminating eyes for beauty. These stunning arrangements include a basket filled with velvety red roses, a basket of large white roses and lush greens, an arrangement composed of bright yellow blooms, Australian natives in a basket, soft pink flowers arranged in a keepsake basket and a lot more. These lovely gifts are ideal for a variety of occasions. Shop at Lily’s Florist and send a gift that will not disappoint.

Hand-arranged bespoke flower arrangements from Lily’s Florist

We take pride in our cutting edge floral designs. The Boutique Range showcases our creativity and dedication to provide our clients with mesmerizing arrangements that vividly tell stories of love and affection. This special collection likewise displays our passion for speaking the language of flowers and using the charm of these blooms to help people demonstrate their feelings. This signature collection features our all-season flower baskets composed of the highest quality seasonal flowers. Everyone deserves a little luxury in their life so choose to give a basket or two from Lily’s Florist’s Boutique Range and give the gift of hand-tied luxury.

Indulgent flower baskets for all occasions

Aside from flower arrangements, Lily’s Florist likewise offers a range of luxury treats and giftware. We have balloons to suit the occasion, fruit baskets and gift hampers, a selection of fine-tasting wine, and boxes of chocolates and sweet treats. Add these to your flower gift and make your present truly special. Our exquisite flower arrangements range from basket flowers, bouquets, posies, and flower bunches. We can likewise customise a package for wedding flower arrangement or for funerals. Shopping for flower gifts is fast and convenient at Lily’s Florist. We accept a variety of payment methods and we deliver seven days a week including evenings and weekends. We want to make sure that your present arrives fresh and on time so expect your gift to be hand-delivered personally to the recipient. As your trusted local florist, we strive to make every effort to deliver nothing but top-notch service. If you need a last minute gift, just make sure your order is placed before 2PM and we can deliver it the same day. So browse through our flower collections and select from the beautiful arrangements available or choose a bespoke creation by discussing your needs with our friendly partner florists. At Lily’s Florist, we help people give a gift that will bring not just a smile but also warmth and tenderness that is felt by the heart.

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