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Lily`s Florist Same Day Flower Delivery

If you want to send flowers to Bridgewater, Hobart and to the surrounding suburbs you can make use of Lily's Florist. We are a leading flower delivery company offering the most comprehensive range of flower delivery services in and around Bridgewater. You have the option to order your flowers online at our store, which will help you save a lot of time. We give our customers incomparable flower delivery experience. We have all types of flowers for your loved ones at our online store. Whether you are interested in ordering flowers for someone’s birthday or you want to send flowers for your girlfriend, our online store is the best place to start your searches.
There are number of options for you to choose under every category. Our online store is designed keeping in mind our customers various requirements. You will therefore find it very easy to use our online store even if it is your first time here. Lily's Florist, Hobart creates very impressive flower arrangements and bouquets for your diverse requirements. If you want to send flowers to your loved ones in Bridgewater or other suburbs in the most hassle free way choosing our online store will be an ideal option. The search process should not take more than a few minutes at our online store. Search for your flowers either based on the occasions or based on the prices. It should not take anything more than just a few clicks to spot your flowers.
Lily's Florist promises customers same-day flower deliveries. When you want to send flowers to your loved ones in Bridgewater from a foreign destination, you can still use our online flower delivery store. Our flower delivery team will make sure that your flowers reach your loved ones on the same day. For a reasonable delivery fee, you can get a gorgeous floral gift sent to your loved one's doorstep without any hassle. You can feel safe in knowing that your flowers will be delivered to your loved ones' location in garden-fresh condition.

Flower care tip of the day:

Our goal with this tip is to give your flowers the best possible chance of surviving longer, the experts call this vase life. Doing a few small things like this when you receive flowers can dramatically improve vase life.

Tip 1: The minute your flowers are delivered get them into water. Even if you are at work and you have no vase try and find a glass you can pop the stems into. If you cannot find a glass do your best to flick water onto the buds and flowers that are blooming, this will keep them cool and hydrate them until you are able to get them into a vase when you get home.

Tip 2: Once the flowers have been added to a vase, ensure the water is changed every 48 hours. Filtered water is ideal, but not essential, as it contains little chlorine/fluoride.

Tip 3: Half a teaspoon of sugar in conjunction with tip 2.

Tip 4: Keep your flowers away from fans, A/C vents, and direct sunlight.

If you would like any further advice or tips please call us now. Otherwise a comprehensive guide on flower care can be found here.