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Lily’s Florist's breathtaking flowers delivered the same day

She was dressed in white and pink, skipping merrily in the park like it was her happiest day ever. Suddenly she stops and looks down as eyes widen. She picked something up and smelled it. It was a yellow flower! She was shouting something at me but I couldn’t hear it.

“Louder,” I said. “Louder!” then I woke up! It’s the loveliest dream ever. I realized then what she was saying was - “It’s my favourite flower!”

It’s not unusual for flowers to be associated with happy memories especially those left by people we love but have passed away. Celebrate those memories, their existence of life once well-lived.

Buy your flowers now at Lily’s Florist!

Lily’s Florist offers a variety of flower bouquets for any occasion. Our team of partner florists and couriers work hand-in-hand to deliver the best and brightest flowers in Brighton to your home or your recipient’s address the same day or the next day. If you decide to send flowers on a weekday, send it before 1 PM to make the same day cut-off or 10 AM on a Saturday.

Premium bouquets for your loved ones at Brighton

Order from our website to avail of our fantastic hand-arranged bouquets, bunches, posies, plants, and gift hampers. Get big discounts from our products included in our flowers on sale category or use the voucher code in our website. Browse and shop and when you’re done, process your payment via Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, and American Express cards.

What flowers mean in your dreams

Flowers around you – Dreaming about seeing flowers around you means that you like spending time with the person you love most. The number of flowers may mean the intensity of your love and affection for this person.

Planting flowers – Dreaming about planting flowers represents your dreams and plans in life to succeed. This can be a reminder for you to keep on planting keep on dreaming until your flower blooms or your plans begin to materialize.

Offering flowers – Dreaming about giving flowers to someone means you have utter appreciation and gratitude for someone. If you know the person in your dream, it means that you need to express what you feel to that person. However, if you dream about giving a flower to a stranger, this stranger might be your future friend or partner.

Order your favourite flowers in Brighton today!