Featured Flowers

Same Day Delivery
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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Have a breather through fresh flowers delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist 

Sending same day flowers is more than a trend; it is a need that has evolved into a tradition between people who want urgent happiness for one another.

If this is your first time to order flowers for same day delivery, then we welcome you to a world of fresh flowers delivered right away, same day, or next day by Lily’s Florist.

Your ultimate online delivery florist has now arrived in Camden Park! Lily’s Florist allows you to enjoy doing two things at the same time – living your life and making it livelier through flowers. With just a few minutes of using your smart phone or desktop computer, you can already have your way in to our several selections of themed floral creations.

There is a birthday package special for you to send to your mother-in-law’s 60th birthday or maybe a carefully arranged mixed flowers wreath in honour of your late grandfather. Here at Lily’s Florist, we thoughtfully classified our hand-arranged flowers into moments which we know you will need to send flowers the most.

Take a little of your precious time to look at our selections of unique themed arrangements of various flowers like carnations, lilies, chrysanthemums, gerbera daisies, and of course – roses! Our website is fully-secured and easy to use with trusted payment gateways.

Fresh local flowers delivered right on time

Get your flowers delivered the same day when you order prior to 2 PM on Mondays through Fridays and 10 AM Saturdays. We also have next day delivery services for pre-ordered flower and gift products.

Now if by any chance you don’t have time to scour through our website, we recommend our Florist’s Choice Arrangements or our Deal of the Day flower bouquets. Both are specially-handpicked for you by our artisan partner florists.

Take your floral gift up a notch when you add a box of chocolates, balloons, teddy bears, or a bottle of wine – all available for sale in our website.

Have fun shopping, flower mate!