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Lily's Florist shows you the essence of happiness through flowers
The mark of a genuine person is seen through their efforts whether they are near or far. For no matter how far the distance may be between two people who care for each other – there will always be a way to communicate one's thoughts and one's feelings...but how? Through fresh flowers delivered to your loved one's doorstep!
Welcome to Lily's Florist! Here, our partner florists strive hard to create modern yet classic floral bouquets and bunches to accentuate every moment of your life with your family, friends, and special someone. All our bouquets are hand-arranged and hand-delivered and we guarantee our customers the highest quality of flower bouquets and gift hampers.
The story behind Lily's Florist sprung from a family's goal to bring fresh flowers closer to all the flower lovers in Australia, including Canada Bay. We have partnered with the best florists there are who only use the freshest flowers in all bouquets and bunches sent to our beloved patrons like you. With our network of flower experts, we are able to deliver floral arrangements on the same day of purchase.
If you are out of town and you want to reach out to your family and friends in Canada Bay, you only need to use your Iphone, Android phone, laptop, and desktop computer to order from our secure site. Aside from our offered themed floral creations, we also have flowers on sale and under $50 which also showcase premium arrangements of carnations, chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, lilies, gerbera daisies, and roses.
Lily's Florist lets you send flowers the same day, order before our cut-off schedule so we can deliver the flowers the same day.
Roses are forever...
Lily's Florist takes pride in its Roses Arrangement collection presenting rose bouquets in various charming motifs and designs. You can choose from selections of roses mixed with other flowers like lilies and daisies, to name a few or you might prefer a full red roses bouquet in one, two, three dozen arrangement.