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Lily’s Florist is where the freshest flowers and the biggest savings are. Get our flower deal of the day, in bunch or arrangement, and save on your flower purchase.

As a top florist, we are ready to handle all of your fresh flower needs. Rely on us when you need quality blooms at pocket-friendly prices. Save $15 on our Blue Mist today, or 20% off when you shop for flower gifts at Lily’s Florist. Our partner florists are qualified and professional flower experts who are passionate about their craft and are experienced in creating stylish and heartwarming floral designs. At Lily’s Florist, you’re guaranteed to get captivating flower arrangements at discounted prices.

Impress family and friends with flower gifts that will tug at the heartstrings. Get our Pink and White Rose Bunch for Mum and spoil her with her favourite flowers. If your dear sister likes the colour purple, give her our Lovely Lilac and Lime Arrangement as a sweet surprise or as a thank you gift for always being there. For your best friend who’s having a rough time, our Bright Mixed Flower Bunch has the power to bring optimism and a smile on her face.

At Lily’s Florist, you can find floral creations that are so beautiful they warm the heart. Even the little posy of gerberas can make anyone who receives it feel all warm and fuzzy. Our floral designs trigger strong emotions because they are well-thought-of. Each floral ensemble from Lily’s Florist is prepared with passion and love by partner florists who are familiar with the language of flowers.

So if you need flowers that will catch the eye and interest of your visitors at home or if you need a flower gift that will inspire, bring encouragement, uplift, cheer, or touch the heart, then shop at Lily’s Florist.

Convenient Online Flower Shopping

Our online flower shop accepts flower orders 24/7 and we deliver flowers six days a week to the fantastic suburb of Carlton in St. George precint, at the south of Sydney’s central business district. If you’re done flower shopping by 2PM weekday, we can arrange same day delivery of your flower orders. For Saturday same day deliveries, orders must be placed before the 10AM cut-off time.

Part of the convenient and stress-free online flower shopping experience at Lily’s Florist is the option to personalize a flower gift. You can easily add a touching message or an extra treat that you think the recipient will love. Chocolates, wine, keepsake vase, spa products, stuffed toy, balloons, sweet and savoury snacks, or fruits – we have all of these to make any floral ensemble extra special.

We deliver flower sets in a box, vase arrangements, bouquets, flowers with chocolates, bouquets with wine, and bunches of cut flowers to commercial and residential addresses in Carlton. Lily’s Florist can reach homes around Carlton Methodist Church, Carlton South Public School, St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church Carlton, Carlton Public School, Sydney Technical High School, and Augusta Park.

We want you and those who receive your flower gifts to enjoy the beauty and freshness of cut flowers for a longer time. Lily’s Florist takes utmost care in ensuring that the flowers we deliver are fresh and vibrant. This meticulous process starts with sourcing cut flowers from reliable flower farms and giving the blooms the right post-harvest care treatments. But to help you achieve maximum enjoyment and longevity, we strongly suggest that you give the blooms a little more TLC as soon as they arrive. Start with a squeaky clean vase and fresh, warm water. Cut an inch at the bottom of the stems, at an angle and under water. Gently remove leaves that will be below the water line because foliage left sitting in water will wilt, rot, and be a medium for fungi and bacteria.

Remember to check the water level every day and replenish as needed. Display flowers away from direct sunlight, heat force, and fresh fruits. With proper care, your flowers from Lily’s Florist can last for at least a week. 

Ready to shop? Browse our vast assortment of carnations, scented lilies, roses, colourful gerberas, and Australian native flowers and treat yourself and a loved one to a fancy arrangement of fresh-cut flowers.