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Lily’s Florist - your new favourite delivery florist!

Lily’s Florist is your dedicated online florist offering fast same-day delivery of bouquets, bunches, flowers with wine, vase arrangements, and flower sets in a box. Our professional partner florists are recognized for their talent in crafting eye-catching and heartwarming floral creations. Better get yourself some flowers and see for yourself why Lily’s Florist is the number one online flower delivery service provider in the Hills District.

Not sure which flowers to get? Our Floriade bunch or arrangement is an excellent choice to spruce up your living room. Pick our Roses and Gerberas with Free Vase if you want to add something pretty on your hallway or dining room console table. Lily’s Florist has different floral designs to match your interior décor.

Our small yellow posy placed on your breakfast table is all you need to give your day a bright start. Got guests coming over for dinner? Go simply stylish with our fresh and fragrant lilies or give your visitors a warm welcome with Australia’s finest native blooms. We have both lilies and natives arranged in decorative, display-ready boxes and in elegant glass vases, too. If you prefer something that can steal the show, try our bright bunch or our bestselling Brilliant Beauty vase arrangement.

Lily’s Florist also has affordable bunches that you can put on mason jars or vintage pitchers and display on bookshelves, in the bathroom, or in bedrooms. Get creative and use perfume bottles, water glass or tin cans as vases. Try your hand on flower arranging too and give classic flower arrangements a more modern touch. You can cut the stems super short and place flowers in small, round vessels for a chic and more contemporary look.

If you’re uncertain about which flowers to get, stick with the timeless roses. Lily’s Florist’s roses are guaranteed to bring beauty and elegance into your home.

Fresh Flowers Delivered Same Day to Castle Hill

Flowers from Lily’s Florist aren’t just for home decorating. Our beautiful floral creations also make excellent gifts for your loved ones and even for yourself.  Reward yourself with our Blush Pink Arrangement with Free Chocolates after a busy week at work and see how fresh blossoms and chocolates can soothe and recharge your energy.

Ordering flowers for someone you love? Lily’s Florist has all kinds of flower gifts to celebrate every occasion. Birthday flowers with balloons are available to help you send the happiest birthday greeting. We have a new baby flower package to welcome a new bundle of joy. Also available are hospital-friendly get well flower gifts that are ready for display. Our partner florists have also prepared several anniversary flower choices featuring the reddest roses and the most romantic pink blossoms.

Every floral ensemble from Lily’s Florist may be made extra thoughtful through the addition of greeting balloons, teddy bear, keepsake vase, chocolates, wine or special gift baskets. With Lily’s Florist, you can also now give luxurious flower gifts even when on a budget because we offer freebies and discounts up to $20!

Start your flower shopping today and take a look at our vast selection of gorgeous flower gifts. Lily’s Florist delivers roses, carnations, lilies, Australian native flowers, gerberas and gift hampers to addresses around William Clarke College, Castle Glen Reserve, Samuel Gilbert Public School, Hills Basketball Stadium, Castle Hill Heritage Park, Oakhill College,  Warrina Village, Castle Hill Library, and Gilroy Catholic College.  We are also ready to deliver funeral flowers to Castle Hill Cemetery as well to churches and chapels in the area.

Lily’s Florist offers same-day flower delivery so if you forget an important date or you just got invited to dinner and need to bring flowers as gift, count on our reliable same day delivery. Your order must be placed before 2:00 PM of a weekday or before 10:00AM of a Saturday for your flower order to be delivered on the same day of your purchase. When an occasion takes you by surprise, you have Lily’s Florist to rely on for expressive and breathtaking flower gifts.

Ready to shop? Buy with confidence because Lily’s Florist is a safe and secure online flower store that has earned the trust of the almost 40,000 residents of Castle Hill.