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Lily's Florist - your go-to Chandler flower expert for luxury flowers.

It’s a free day so you decided to rummage through your things and do some spring cleaning. Sometimes, this kind of activity brings us back to old times, nostalgia kicks in and you suddenly find yourself laughing, smiling with the pictures, letters, and souvenirs from your younger years that you have kept for so long.

Aaaah, you miss your childhood friends! When was the last time you reached out to them? When social media isn’t enough for communication, the traditional ways serve a big help - something like...sending flowers by Lily’s Florist.

Lily’s Florist provides your favourite flowers on-hand and ready for delivery. Our floral masterpieces are meticulously handcrafted by our well-trained partner florists to reflect your thoughts and innermost feelings. If you don’t know the right words to say, Lily’s Florist will help you let it out with every themed floral design available from our flower collection.

So if you miss someone and can’t just say a simple ‘hi’ online, better warm it up with a bouquet of the freshest flowers in Chandler. What are you waiting for? Check our updated product catalogue on our website where you can find creatively designed flower arrangements that can suit your preferences and your recipient’s - just like our Deal Of The Day Arrangement. You can view these through your smart phones, desktop computers, and any mobile device.

Spend your free day by catching up with the gang through flowers. Here are some flowers you can give to your best childhood friends.

1. The Joker – They make you laugh effortlessly and never fail to put a smile on your gloomiest days. I’m sure they also have their own share of drawbacks on low days, why not be the one to cheer them up this time with glowing sunflowers and a bar of chocolate on the side.

2. The Adviser - If their age just matched their state of mind they would be like a tale as old as time. They are the ones who always knew what to say to make you feel ok and find reasons for the most unreasonable incidents in your life.  Send them a bouquet of charming iris and let them know how they helped you cope with the misadventures of your young life.

3. The Carefree One – Fun is what they are all about and you are not complaining! You owe them your unforgettable moments in your youth and even if there were ounces of regret from the ‘cool’ things you did, it was all worth it.  Bring back the fun, reminisce good times as you give them crisp red hyacinths.

4. The Clingy Friend – She’s very emotional and has been the epitome of separation anxiety. A true friend that never forgets and always sheds a tear when you get to catch up and rekindle the memories. A certified friend for keeps!  Give back the love with a basket full of pretty daffodils.

Make your friends feel appreciated and missed with the flowers that best represent them. Lily’s Florist will gladly deliver the flowers for you whether you wish to send it the same day or next day in your preferred areas in Chandler.

Sports and nature are two of Chandler’s best assets as it is home to the large entertainment and sporting facility, the Sleeman Centre where you can find spaces for various sports like biking, swimming, gymnastics, weightlifting, and aerobics.

Find exciting times and get together with your family and friends in Chandler, relive the memories with vibrant flower creations, hand delivered to you by Lily’s Florist – your fast and reliable delivery florist for all your floral needs.