
Flower Delivery to Croydon Daily

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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Lily’s Florist's beautiful flower bouquets sent to your loved ones the same day

“Flowers don’t tell, they show.” –Stephanie Skeem

True enough, flowers may not have the words to say but it has the capacity to express itself through colours and fragrance. Like you, sometimes you run out of ideas on what to say and how to communicate – flowers should make it look easy for you.

Manifest those deep-seated feelings thorough fresh bountiful blossoms delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist.

Want to cheer up a frown? Send yellow gerbera daisies.

Want to wipe away tears? Send white lilies.

Want to kiss and hug from afar? Send red rose.

No matter where you are around the globe, you can still communicate with your family and friends in Croydon through our online website, accessible by using your gadgets like your laptop, desktop computer, or your handy smartphone.

You will absolutely have fun shopping and maybe reminisce a little when you peruse through our several categories of floral creations. Our trained flower experts have hand-arranged and ready-made bouquets and bunches, and even gift hamper for any kind of moment may that instance be a festive or solemn one.

Don’t hesitate to spend a few minutes shopping because the thought of making someone feel loved through flowers is already rewarding.

Contact us to learn more! You can email them, chat with them live online, and call them through the telephone hotline.

Lily’s Florist Flower Story of the Day

This is a story about a boy and a girl who met on the seashore.

Boy loved girl’s smile so the moment she looked his way, he smiled back with his glistening eyes. They were walking towards each other though still a wide distance apart. Each second, each minute closer to each other brought heavy pounding of the heart and butterflies in the stomach.

Their gaze locked at each other, not minding the soft wind that messes her hair and heightens his nerves. One more step and finally, it can be said - but there were no words and no sounds...only flowers to say – “Let’s walk together.”