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Over 500 flower gifts to choose from right here at Lily’s Florist

Evatt Fresh Flowers At Your Doorstep

Simply place an order online and we’ll get your flower gift delivered to the special recipient. Our flowers are designed and prepared by hand by a qualified and experienced florist. We have roses, gerberas, lilies, Aussie natives and wildflowers, tropical blossoms, carnations and potted plants all fresh and sourced from the finest growers in Australia. Available are flowers for all occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, promotions, housewarming parties, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, new baby, get well and more. We do have funeral wreaths and sheaths in simple yet sophisticated designs as well as business flowers in modern and elegant styles.

To make your flower shopping experience convenient, our online store may also be accessed on your mobile device. It will only take a few clicks and swipes to buy flowers for your family, friends and loved ones in Evatt.

Flowers for All Occasions in Evatt

Lily’s Florist delivers bunches, bouquets, floral arrangements and gift hampers to the suburb of Evatt in Canberra’s Belconnen district. The suburb, which was gazetted in 1972, derived its name from Herbert Vere Evatt who served as a Justice of the High Court in the 1950s. Interestingly, Evatt streets are all named after law professionals and personalities associated with parliament.

There is a great community vibe in this suburb making the area perfect for families.  Three neighbourhood ovals and three local primary schools can be found in Evatt. Lily’s Florist delivers fresh flowers and gifts to business and residential addresses around Evatt Neighbourhood Oval, South West Evatt Oval, St. Monica’s Primary School Oval, Evatt Primary School and Miles Franklin Primary School.

Evatt Same Day Flower Deliveries

For last minute flower shopping, we offer same day delivery as long as you place your order before the 2PM weekday or 10AM Saturday cut-off. Our online flower shop is ready to take orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we deliver to Evatt from Monday to Saturday. We deliver not just to private homes but also to hospitals, churches, schools, nursing homes, retirement villages, and businesses in and around Evatt.

Lily’s Florist accepts payment via Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and eWay. Our website is Norton Secured so you have the peace of mind that your information will always be safe and kept confidential. We’re an Australian-owned and operated online flower retailer delivering flowers throughout Australia since 2008.

Allow us to provide you with stunning floral displays that will help you communicate your thoughts and feelings towards those whom you care about. Allow our floral creations to connect you with your loved ones in Evatt. Let Lily’s Florist take care of your flower gift-giving needs in Canberra. We assure you that our impressively designed and expressive floral arrangements can bring you closer to your loved ones.

Why not surprise your mum, your bestfriend, a former colleague or your wife with a special flower arrangement and see how Lily’s Florist’s creations can make their day and warm their heart.