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When it comes to flower gifts for delivery to Flemington, Melbourne, you have Lily’s Florist to count on. Shop today and take advantage of deals and promotions on selected flower arrangements. 

Send Flowers to Flemington Today 

Get a lush bouquet of red roses delivered today to your significant other. Want to keep in touch with close friends and relatives in Flemington? Our pastel flower arrangements and mixed box arrangements would make great gifts to show that you remember and that you care. Lily’s Florist offers a large selection of fresh flowers to suit every occasion, every budget, and every intention. 

Birthday flowers, new baby flower gifts, white funeral sheaths and wreaths, classy sympathy flowers, Valentine’s Day bouquets, Christmas flowers, Mother’s Day bouquets, gift hampers – all of these are available at very affordable prices here at Lily’s Florist.

Bouquets for All Occasions to Flemington 

When it’s a flower gift you need, just shop online at Lily’s Florist and we’ll take care of the skillful preparation of a floral ensemble that will delight whoever receives it. Every bouquet and flower arrangement that comes out from our florists’ store is creatively designed by hand by experienced partners who are very dedicated to their craft. 

Combining the fundamentals of flower arranging and the language of flowers, our florists craft designs that are impressive in style and expressive in impact. 

Fast Same Day Delivery

Order a bouquet of yellow and lilac blooms today and see why more and more people choose Lily’s Florist for their fresh flower needs. We have a same-day delivery service applicable to orders placed before 2:00 PM Monday to Friday. Please order before 10:00 AM during Saturdays for same-day weekend delivery. 

Lily’s Florist delivers bouquets with chocolates, flowers with wine, gift hampers, and flower arrangements to homes, offices, schools, churches, and nursing homes around Flemington Racecourse, Melbourne Showgrounds, Mount Alexander College, and Newmarket Station. 
Should you need help with ordering or picking the right bouquet, just send us a message and we’d gladly provide assistance.