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Lily’s Florist handmade floral creations delivered on the same day

The roses, they turn red once love appears.
And lilies go white for every drop of tear.
Daisies glow with colours from orange to yellow,
Promising each day with a better tomorrow.
It’s so beautiful to think how flowers can be accurate manifestations of our emotions. There are other ways to express one’s self, yes, but flowers tops the list of really touching the heart of the recipient. Without words, without sound...just flowers by Lily’s Florist.
Lily’s Florist lets flowers fill your day in Geebung. Our online flower delivery system is up and running and very accessible by only using your desktop computers or your smart phones.
Have a sneak peek of the glorious collection of themed flowers in our online page. Lily’s Florist delivers birthday, anniversary, wedding, holiday, new baby flowers for celebrations and a unique selection of get-well flowers and sympathy flowers for sending out comfort and encouragement to your loved ones and friends who might need it.
Flowers make the best companions in Geebung, Brisbane
It’s hard not to agree that flowers are a one-of-a-kind companion. It never judges, it just listens, not to mention that it’s always pretty and sweet-smelling. Send flowers to your family and friends today and we will deliver it the same day when you order before 2 PM on Monday to Friday and 10 AM on Saturday.
Shout hooray for a happy day with flowers delivered by flower expert partners of Lily’s Florist.
Top 3 Lily’s Florist bouquets to say “I love you”
Apart from roses, there are abundant amounts of other flower species you can choose from. So, if you want to try something else, we’ve got you covered!
Gerbera Posy – Gerbera daisies are gaining more popularity when it comes to romantic bouquets. It’s not hard to believe because of the natural radiance of this multicoloured arrangement.
Native Arrangement with Free Chocolates – If you want to imbibe rustic mornings or an afternoon in the countryside with your special one, go for Australian Native Flowers. These assorted native flowers are just irresistibly charming especially since it’s delivered with mouth-watering chocolates. Yum!
2 Wrapped Lily Stems – For a premium yet affordable option, we bring you two elegant pink lilies wrapped with love in fancy paper. It’s a simple yet elegant way to express your purest devotion to your significant other.