Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Order flowers online today at Lily’s Florist and get same-day delivery to anywhere in Griffith. Catch the 2PM weekday cut-off or 10AM Saturday cut-off and we can get your flowers delivered on the same day you purchased them. Available are birthday flowers, romantic bouquets, anniversary flowers, bunches, box-assembled arrangements, vase arrangements, flowers with chocolates, gift hampers and more.

Best Local Flowers Delivered Fast to Griffith ACT

Lily’s Florist delivers fresh flowers to commercial and residential addresses in Griffith. An inner south suburb of Canberra, Griffith is one of the city’s oldest suburbs. Established in 1927 and gazetted in 1928, Grifftih is now home to 3,900 residents according to the 2011 census. Nearly 12% of the suburb’s land area is covered with parks and several notable buildings can be found in Griffith. Among the areas in Griffith that are listed by the ACT Heritage Council are Griffith Oval No.1, The Whitley Houses, St. Paul’s Church, Manuka Swimming Pool, Kingston/Griffith Garden City, and the Manuka Oval and Caretaker’s Cottage.

If you need flowers delivered to anywhere in Griffith, just shop at Lily’s Florist. We deliver bunches, bouquets, vase arrangements, potted plants and gift baskets to addresses around St. Edmund’s College, Russian Embassy School in Canberra, Griffith Primary School, and St. Clare’s College. Lily’s Florist also delivers flower gifts to addresses near St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Star Track Oval, and Kingston Hotel. Our partner florist can also take care of flower deliveries to Baptist Care Griffith.

Lily's Florist’s Stunning Floral Creations for All Occasions 

Let our partner skilled florists provide you with a full personal flower delivery service. We’ve partnered with the best florists to join our team in responding to the flower gift delivery needs of the people of Canberra. Our handpicked cut flowers are sourced from the finest growers. They’re meticulously prepared and artistically designed by an experienced florist.

When you order flowers from us, you can have the peace of mind knowing that you’re sending a floral gift that’s impressive and expressive. We use the language of flowers in creating floral ensembles; this way we are able to give character to every creation. Our works are the vivid representations of your sentiments. So whether you wish to say I’m sorry or I love you, to say thank you or congratulations, you can find a wonderful flower gift to represent your intentions at Lily’s Florist.

Lily’s Florist Same Day Delivery to Griffith

You can order online at our safe and secure website or by phone. If you place an order before 2PM, we can get your gift delivered the same day. Our Saturday same-day delivery cut-off is earlier, though, at 10AM, due to the large volume of weekend orders. Should you want to plan in advance, you can order flower gifts for Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, or any other future celebration as early as today. We accept advanced orders as early as 12 months in advance. You can also buy flower posies online.

If you are unsure of which arrangement to get, feel free to discuss your needs with us. Why not order a vase arrangement or a bunch of flowers in season for you to enjoy? We’re certain you’d be more convinced to share the joy of receiving a Lily’s Florist creation once you experience it yourself.