
Featured Flowers

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Know someone who’s feeling down? Bust the bad mood with a surprise flower delivery. Your bold and bright floral gift will surely put a smile on her face and your sweet gesture will definitely touch her heart.

Lily’s Florist can help you make a terrible, no-good, blah day into something a bit more special. Shop today for mood-boosting, invigorating, heartwarming floral gifts.

Order Bouquets and Flower Gifts Online

Start by browsing each of our categories for faster product selection. Make sure you don’t skip the Florist’s Choice section for the day’s freshest flowers. If you’re really having a hard time picking a single design, get our Deal of the Day bunch or floral arrangement for fresh-cut blooms at best value. Every ensemble you see at our online catalogue will be prepared by hand by our partner florist.

For awesome flower deals, head to our On Sale and Freebies section. From time to time, we offer discounts up to 15% off on selected floral arrangements.

Lily’s Florist Same Day Delivery

Once you’ve picked a gift, delivery won’t be a problem. Opt for next-day or same-day delivery to Horsley in Wollongong. We deliver to homes and offices, churches, schools, hospitals, and aged care facilities in and around the area. Same-day delivery applies to orders placed before 10 AM Saturday NSW time or before 2 PM Monday to Friday. 

For pre-scheduled delivery, feel free to order today for a future delivery date. Order as early as two weeks in advance. This is especially helpful when you want to make sure you won’t forget to get a gift for someone on a special day. 

Fresh Cut Flowers in Horsley, NSW

Lily’s Florist has the best flowers to boost feelings of happiness. Shop today for yellow blooms, bouquets of pink roses, purple and blue floral arrangements, immaculate white bouquets, and vibrant red-orange floral gifts. Reduce someone’s stress and uplift someone’s mood with fresh flowers. Communicate your love and show that your care through fresh flowers. Make someone feel beautiful and appreciated through a floral gift.

Let’s not forget the power of flowers, the power of nature, to stimulate the happy hormones and generate positive emotions. Use one of our floral creations to reconnect to nature and improve your or someone you love’s mental and emotional wellbeing.

​Shop at Lily’s Florist right this minute for stress-reducing, mood-lifting, and inspiring fresh flower arrangements.