
Kensington Flowers Delivery Now

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Same Day Delivery
Lily's Florist delivers original hand-arranged flower bouquets to your doorstep
Something is blooming where you are with colours of red, white, pink, purple, and yellow. The scents so fragrant it makes you feel warm, calm , and recharged. What is this overwhelming presence?
It's flowers!
We are hoping you are fine where you are because we are about to bring your freshness through flowers delivered the same day by Lily's Florist.
Lily's Florist is an online delivery florist which provides flower lovers an easy way to order and send hand-arranged flowers to their recipients on the same day. When you order prior the cut-off time of 2 PM on Mondays through Fridays and 10 AM on Saturdays, our partner florists will deliver the flowers right away.
Our website which is accessible using your smart phone or desktop computer is home to various flower arrangements you need not look anywhere else when you need flowers for Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or whichever holiday you can think of. Whether it's a tall, round, or triangular arrangement that you need – we have got it for you.
Lily's Florist can also deliver funeral and sympathy flowers to funeral homes and cemeteries. Our handcrafted sheaths, sprays, and wreaths are designed to honour a departed loved one and offer comfort and hope for the family left behind.
We want to be part of your family and we want to be part of your routine that's why we partnered with an online network of florists to be able to bring flowers to your doorstep in Kensington the easiest way from ordering to payment and delivery.
Here at Lily's Florist, we deliver premium floral creations at a very affordable cost. Browse our site for the latest discounted products, for now, take a glimpse of some of our VIP flowers at special discounted price.
VIP Pastel Bunch for your dear Mum.
VIP Purple and White Bunch for your charming best friend.
VIP Bunch Red Tones for the love of your life.
VIP Native Arrangement for your cosy abode.
 Enjoy shopping, flower buddy!