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Red roses, orange roses, pastel roses? Find these and a whole bunch of gorgeous flowers here at Lily’s Florist. We’ve got the best cut flowers and the best bouquets to make someone’s day. Order now and surprise someone you love with a little flower gift that will surely bring colour to her space and a smile on her face. 

Send Flowers to Moonee Ponds, Melbourne

Shop now and discover our wonderful world of fresh flower gifts. We have a wide assortment of bunches and bouquets perfect for gifting and for treating yourself. You and your loved ones deserve pretty things, of course. So browse our flower collection and find blooms that will spruce up your home and flower gifts that you can send to family, friends and loved ones in Moonee Ponds, Melbourne. 

Moonee Ponds Flower Delivery Same Day

Count on us when you need pale pink roses delivered to your significant other on her workplace. Count on us when you need a posy of mums sent to a dear friend to cheer her up. Count on us when you need an ensemble of native Australian flowers to thank someone for her support and assistance. Lily’s Florist has birthday bouquets, get well flowers, I’m sorry bouquets, thank you flowers, new baby flower arrangements, romantic bouquets with wine, and gift hampers.

We also offer fast same-day delivery so that even when you’re shopping the last minute, you can have a gift delivered right on time. Please place an order before the cut-off time of 2 PM for Monday to Friday same-day delivery and before 10 AM for Saturday same-day delivery. 

Moonee Ponds Fresh Flower Gifts

Over a hundred flower creations are available to help you celebrate any occasion and communicate your thoughts and feelings. Shop now and let our hand-arranged bouquets and bunches spread joy and positivity. Keep in touch with loved ones in Moonee Ponds and let a gorgeous flower gift deliver your message of love. 

We deliver fresh flower gifts to homes, offices, hospitals, schools, churches, and nursing homes in and around the inner suburb of Moonee Ponds in Melbourne.