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“I’d rather have roses on my table, than diamonds on my neck.” Quote by Emma Goldman.

There is certainly a large amount of truth in that quote. The fact that you are here reading this might also be an indication that you love flowers more than diamonds. If not, well allow us to convince you. Lily’s Florist is more than ready to provide precious flower arrangements on your table or your recipient’s doorstep.

While you can freely daydream about the good times that are about to come in your life, why not make the first move and do something about it? Lily’s Florist is happy to help. If you are dreaming of being with the person you are courting, give her flowers. If you are thinking about saying sorry to your boss for being habitually late, give them flowers. If you want your friend to recover immediately from sickness, send hospital flowers. If you want to give your home a boost of vibrancy and positivity, place some flowers all over your living space. You see, with Lily’s Florist flowers, there is always a story to begin with and a story to end with a happy note.

No, we are not undermining diamonds, but we would like you to know that flowers can be as pretty and valuable. It’s even cheaper than diamonds! Go ahead, let Lily’s Florist bring some fresh blossoms to your family and friends in Murray Bridge.
Lily’s Florist brings you the different types of floral arrangements made of farm-fresh, handcrafted floral creations!

Spend romantic days with bouquets by Lily’s Florist

Flower bouquets are one of the most requested product here at Lily’s Florist. It’s easy to create, versatile, and brings out a more dynamic tone to the texture of flowers especially when an assortment of flowers is bundled up. In our collection at Lily’s Florist , expect to find creative ensembles of carnations, gerberas, lilies, and roses.

Never fret with our floral baskets by Lily’s Florist

The wooden nature of baskets makes it a perfect match for colouful flowers. It instantly takes you back to a time when all you do was stroll along the park and take shelter under the shades of trees while appreciating the flowers that abound. Lily’s Florist meticulously designs floral baskets in consideration to the depth of flowers and the basket. Our collection of floral baskets sometimes come with delectable treats and yummy fresh fruits.

Table centerpieces for all occasions by Lily’s Florist

These floral arrangements are placed on tables during formal events and dinners. It serves as an aesthetic touch to venues where celebrations are held. Our network florists at Lily’s Florist will be glad to accommodate your concerns if you need our flowers to be decorated as table centerpieces in your event.

Wreath for love and sympathies by Lily’s Florist

Floral wreaths are circular in shape and oftentimes woven with flowers and variegated greenery. In funeral traditions, flower wreaths are used to honor a departed loved one. On the one hand, it is also an ornament used in Christmas gatherings. You can check Lily’s Florist’s catalogue for sympathy flowers to see more of our flower wreaths designs.

A floral brigade to Murray Bridge

You will never find a dull day in Murray Bridge, however, a ball of energy from flowers should also be a great jumpstart for every sunrise..