
Featured Flowers

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You would not believe what a bouquet of roses did to two people who vowed not to see each other again.

It was the day before yesterday when hate trumped love. They were mad at each other. She thought he was insensitive and he thought she was always finding fault. It was a day that they longed to be over. The morning after, the sweet scent of roses reminded him of her. How she was so wonderful and beautiful. He wants to make up for the tears, he wants her back.  He sends her girl, a bouquet of 36 red roses.

She receives the bouquet and agrees to talk. Moments later, a brand new relationship faces a fresh beginning.

You may have heard a similar story before or have been in one. It’s always a colourful life when there are flowers around. It magnifies joy, love, and optimism and shrinks the negative away. Here at Lily’s Florist, we believe in the natural magic of flowers. Every time our network florists lay their skilful hands on our farm fresh flowers, a fabulous story unfolds - a story that marks in the hearts of people who send and receive flowers, a story that remains to be unforgettable.

Welcome to Lily’s Florist!

Lily’s Florist’s handcrafted floral creations are perfect for any occasion. We offer same day delivery services at your pleasure. If in the middle of the day you feel the urge to make someone smile with flowers, order from our reliable and easy-to-navigate website by 2 PM on a weekday and before 10 AM on a Saturday. We will delight to deliver you flowers fast, fresh, and with no hassle at all.

The community of Port Pirie surely adores flowers which is the reason why anytime will always be the best time to send flowers there.

You can count on Lily’s Florist to deliver gorgeous handcrafted floral gifts to your friend’s workplace, your mum’s home, your church, and even to funeral homes when you want to send condolences to a bereaved family.
Speaking of giving flowers to a special someone, there are many of ways of doing this and it’s important that we also know the proper way to do it. We encounter hundreds of questions every day about the dos and don’ts of giving flowers and for now; we would like to answer this question: How often should I give flowers?

Sending flowers is really a matter of intent and timing. Here’s a quick guide on proper intervals when giving flowers to the best people in our life.

Mum – Our hearts are already connected to our mothers. They feel you every time you think of them. Flowers will do great especially when they miss you. Send some clingy floral hugs very month!

Hunny – For your sweetheart, everyday flowers are the loveliest. However, if you are tight on budget – you can opt for affordable variants of bouquet for her weekly floral surprise.

Boss – Here, you have to be a little careful. Don’t make it too often so you won’t appear being a suck-up. Occasions like birthdays and Christmas will do for some floral presents.

Sick friend – Flowers can aid in speedy recovery. Be a ball of sunshine and keep your friend in company with flowers while they are recovering. Send them flowers every two weeks in the hospital or in their homes.

If you feel like sending flowers, do so. Follow your heart. It’s your floral instinct and you should listen to it. Giving is always a nice thing to do. Give love in flowers in Port Pirie – order now from Lily’s  Florist.