
Flowers Delivery to Raglan Daily

Make a special moment unforgettable by getting a flower gift made with love by Lily’s Florist. We have the pinkest flowers to make your special someone blush, and the most radiant birthday flowers to send your sister or BFF the happiest birthday greetings. Romantic roses and anniversary flowers are also available. Take a good look at our collection to find eye-catching and heartwarming celebration bouquets. Extra gifts like chocolates, balloons, and teddy bears can be bought as add-ons. Order online before 2PM Mon-Fri or call us on 1800 466 534 for same-day Raglan delivery.

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Featured Flowers to Raglan

Delivering to Raglan
Florist's Choice Arrangement
from $81.95
This custom-designed bouquet allows our expert florists to create a unique and stunning arrangement tailored to your occasion.
What Our Customers are Saying
"Your website provided me with an overall idea of the options I had. It was a great starting point and everything in between. I appreciated the last minute service and the flowers are still blooming. Thank you."
"Florist went above and beyond by delivering bouquet after ordering only 3 hours previously on Christmas Eve."
Buy this stunning arrangement here
beautiful stunning elegant sophisticated perfect unique
Purple & Lilac Bunch
from $79.95
A soothing and elegant bouquet featuring various shades of purple and lilac flowers, perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any space.
What Our Customers are Saying
"The website was very helpful and easy to find the perfect floral arrangement to suit our Occasion & budget. Our mother was thrilled to receive beautiful flowers in her favourite colours of purple & lilac on her 90th Birthday. The delivery was exactly as requested & was even a bit earlier which gave her even more time to enjoy them!"
"Was an easy process to follow and flowers were very nice, one of the best sites I've hat I visited."
Buy this stunning bunch here