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Do you need a bright bouquet of mixed flowers? Looking for a fun bouquet? Want a colourful bunch that’s sure to brighten someone’s day? Then shop online at Lily’s Florist.

Colourful Bouquets to Richmond

We’ve been in the business long enough to understand what a “fun bouquet” means. Our experienced and creative network florists assure you of flower arrangements filled with fresh blooms with the most vibrant hues. We don’t simply gather and tie blooms together. Every floral ensemble is a work of art, prepared lovingly by hand, by a dedicated florist. So, expect a floral ensemble that’s sure to fill any room with positivity and deliver joy to the lucky recipient.

Whether you want a bold and vivid orange and yellow flower arrangement or a rainbow bouquet of mixed flowers, we can deliver just what you need.

Richmond Same Day Delivery of Fresh Flowers

Count on Lily’s Florist for fun-tastic flower gifts that are lush, vibrant, and stylish. We also have additional treats that you can add to any bouquet or floral bunch to make it all the more delightful. A cuddly teddy bear, a box of chocolates, a bottle of wine, or an elegant glass vase – up to you to choose.

For urgent flower needs, we offer same-day delivery for all orders received before 2 PM Monday to Friday and before 10 AM Saturday. For holidays, we strongly recommend ordering in advance to secure a slot.

Hand-Arranged Flower Arrangements

For maximum longevity, we may include blooms in tightly closed buds. This way, the recipient gets to see the flower blossom and enjoy her gift longer. All flower arrangements are thoughtfully and carefully prepared by our partner florists.

Order now and treat a loved one to a lovely flower gift even when there’s no occasion. She surely deserves that little surprise and your small gesture is guaranteed to go a long way. Shop for a bright mixed bouquet today!