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Same Day Delivery
Order flowers online at Lily’s Florist and surprise someone you love with a stunning ensemble of pastel flowers. We are your trusted online florist ready to deliver all kinds of flower gifts to anywhere in the suburb of Rowville in Melbourne. 

Rowville Same-Day Flower Delivery

Whether you want a delicate ensemble of white and peach carnations, creamy chrysanthemums, pale pink roses, pink green anthurium, and dainty little stock blossoms or a big and bold display of magenta and soft pink flowers, we’re ready to provide just what you need. Choose from our large selection of fresh flower gifts and easily arrange a flower delivery to your family, friends and loved ones in Rowville.

Place a flower order before 2PM Monday to Friday and we’ll get the flowers delivered same day. We also have Saturday same-day deliveries applicable to orders placed before 10AM.

Rowville Hassle-Free Online Flower Shopping

Shopping for flower gifts online is now very easy and convenient. Choose by category and easily find the floral design that best fits the occasion or the sentiment you wish to express. We have birthday bouquets, get well flower arrangements, thank you flowers, new baby floral gifts, sympathy flowers, and even gift hampers. Flower arrangements featuring native Australian flowers are also available. 

Want a bouquet with wine? A floral ensemble with chocolates? Romantic flowers to celebrate your anniversary? Shop now and find blooms that speak of romance and floral gifts that will warm your beloved’s heart.

Buy Bouquets and Gift Hampers Online at Lily’s Florist 

Lily’s Florist delivers fresh flower gifts to addresses around Rowville International Hotel, Waterford Park, Waverly Gardens Shopping Centre, and Kingston Links Golf Course. We can likewise deliver flower gifts to Mulgrave Private Hospital and Waterford Valley Retirement Village. 

Shop at Lily’s Florist today and find the best quality flowers at the best prices.