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At Lily’s Florist , we spend our days immersed in finding ways to provide you with more beautiful yet affordable flower gift options. Our ever-growing selection of bouquets, bunches, vase arrangements and gift hampers allow you to choose the right one that best fits the occasion, the personality of the recipient or your message to the recipient. Order flowers today and meet our cut-off so you can get same-day flower delivery without extra cost.

Lily’s Florist Flowers Last Longer

As Canberra’s trusted florist, we’re committed to delivering lush and full flower arrangements that are guaranteed to lift the recipient’s spirit. Our impressive floral creations can vividly depict your sentiments. Yes, you can say I love you and I’m sorry through flowers. Yes, you can say thank you and get well soon through flowers. Flowers may not be the most practical gift choice but they certainly are the most thoughtful and moving. The natural charm of flowers acknowledges the sensitive plot of an event. When you can’t find the words to say what you mean or when you feel words aren’t enough to express your feelings, use flowers’ symbolism to communicate your sentiments.

We can help you make good use of the language of blooms to help you articulate your thoughts and feelings. Let Lily’s Florist assist you in communicating more deeply to those who matter to you.

Ordering dramatic bouquets and vase arrangements is very easy. You can do it online on your computer or any mobile device. You can also order by phone and consult our flower experts on custom arrangements. We accept payment via PayPal, eWay, American Express, Visa and MasterCard.

Convenient Flower Shopping in Russell

With Lily’s Florist, you get to enjoy stress-free flower shopping at budget-friendly costs. When you’re not quite sure what gift to send to a friend or family member, you have flowers to count on. We have various arrangements to suit recipients of all ages.

Need kid-friendly 5-flower bouquets with lollies? How about pink bouquets with chocolates? Perhaps two dozen red rose arrangements? Or maybe flowers with free vase? Flowers with wine? Or the classic flower gift complete with teddy, balloon and chocolates? We have all of these and a hundred different flower gift options.

And when it comes to getting your flower gift delivered, you won’t have problems with Lily’s Florist . Speedy delivery is what our same-day delivery service promises. Simply order before 2PM on a weekday or 10AM on a Saturday so we have enough time to arrange same-day delivery