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Celebrate every milestone and special moment with a memorable gift. Choose flowers from Lily’s Florist for that unforgettable present. Shop right this minute and easily find the perfect bouquet to mark your celebration. 

Fresh Flower Gifts at Best Value

Our vast assortment of floral creations provides you with an array of choices. Pick the dreamiest bouquet to celebrate an anniversary. Get a bold, bright, and beautiful mixed bouquet to bring festive cheer to someone’s birthday. Order a dainty bunch of blooms to welcome the arrival of a new baby. We also have roses with chocolates, bouquets with a teddy bear, flowers with balloons, orange floral arrangements, potted plants, sympathy and funeral flowers, and gift baskets. 

The flowers you need to deliver your message of love, yearning, friendship, gratitude, and sympathy are right here at Lily’s Florist. So shop online today for the best blooms to send as thoughtful gifts. 

Lily’s Florist Express Flower Delivery

As an online florist, we can cater to many different fresh flower requirements. We offer next-day and pre-scheduled deliveries if you feel like ordering days or weeks in advance. Shopping for fresh flower gifts is so easy at Lily’s Florist. Browse by flower type, occasion, or bouquet color and conveniently narrow down your choices. 

You’re free to add extra non-floral gifts like vases, chocolates, and balloons to any floral ensemble. Don’t forget to view our plant and gift basket collections for more delightful gifts. 

Send Bouquets Same-Day to Sandringham, VIC

Order before 2 PM Monday to Friday and we’ll have your chosen floral design delivered to your loved one’s doorstep on the same day of your purchase. Please have your cart checked out before 10 AM for Saturday same-day delivery to Sandringham in Melbourne. 

Count on our partner florists to bring you the most charming flower arrangement. If the selection process appears a bit overwhelming for you, you may simply go with our no-fail Florist’s Choice Arrangement or our Deal of the Day Flower Bunch. Shop online or give us a call should you need further assistance. 

Lily’s Florist assures you of flower arrangements made fresh on the day of delivery by experienced florists. Delivery to Sandringham residential and business addresses is available from Monday to Saturday.

Purchase a bouquet today and let one of our floral creations bring even more joy to someone’s very special day.