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Lily’s Florist's same-day delivery of fresh flowers

It’s love o’clock!

It means you need to do something for someone out of love. If you’re too busy to even think of how or what to do, we have a suggestion - send beautiful flowers to people you love through Lily’s Florist.

South Hobart will be filled with joy and colors once the flower-giving habit goes fast on its track when you send flowers for every occasion to your loved ones and friends in town. Lily’s Florist is here to deliver same-day flower, hand-arranged by hardworking and talented partner florists.

Flowers of colors and fragrance in South Hobart

Here at Lily’s Florist, we value quality and quantity that is why we offer you fresh flowers, hand-arranged meticulously with art by our partner florists. Each bouquet does not only bear an abundance of flowers but also an abundance of feelings that you can express to your recipient even how far you are from each other.

Distance will never be an issue when it comes to our on-time delivery of flowers at South Hobart. Check out our website and view our loaded and updated flower catalogue featuring our bestselling bouquets, bunches, plants, and gift packages for you and your special someone.

Our website is secure and your personal details are protected every time you transact with us via our trusted payment gateway partners such as Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, and American Express cards.

Are you excited for original and creative arrangements of lilies, carnations, roses, and daisies? Well, we can’t blame you because our never-failing lovely bouquets are also thrilled to be delivered to your recipient the same day.

Now what to send when it’s love o’clock?

Here are our top 3 suggestions:

Rose Garden Arrangement – Roses in pastel colors will definitely be an eye magnet wherever you will display it. Your recipient will delight in its set-in-a-box arrangement making it quicker and easier to display anywhere in the house or workplace.

Australian Native Bunch – A touch of countryside in the city always welcomes the feeling of being home. So if you want your presence to be felt by a loved one in South Hobart while you are away, the best native flowers of Australia will be a perfect choice.

Florist’s Choice Arrangement – The name says it’s all – if it’s a personal selection of our partner florists, then it must be the best!