
Swan Hill

Are you looking for the perfect way to brighten someone's day in Swan Hill VIC? You can count on us for beautiful, fresh flowers delivered the same day. Our collection features fresh roses, tulips, and native Australian flowers for every occasion from birthdays to get well wishes. You can place your order before 2pm weekdays for same-day flower delivery. Our flowers are hand-prepared by Swan Hill partners to ensure freshness and quality. You can easily shop online for flowers today or call us directly on 1800 466 534. Our customers love how our arrangements often look even better than the pictures!

Same Day Delivery
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Same Day Delivery

Lily's Florist Delivers Flowers To Swan Hill VIC

Buy Fresh Flowers Online Online Or Call Lily's Florist

Lily's Florist makes bouquets that show colour and feeling. Our Bestsellers include hand-made floral gifts for anyone, any event, and any budget. We offer roses, hydrangeas, and sunflowers, with each flower telling its own story. Shop now to send gifts to your loved ones in Swan Hill, VIC. Send a message with our floral creations. 

All our amazing flower bouquets and made and delivered by our partner florists in Swan Hill. Learn more about our partner network.

Delivery Highlights

Same-Day Delivery - Order by 2pm Monday to Friday and 10am Saturday for same-day flower delivery throughout Swan Hill, VIC.
Best-Selling Varieties - Choose from popular options including roses, tulips, hydrangeas, sunflowers and native Australian blooms.
Farm-Fresh Blooms - All flowers are carefully selected to ensure long vase life and maximum impact when received.
Every Occasion Covered - Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, sympathy, romance, or simply "just because" moments.
Conveniently Shop Online - Our secure online store makes it easy to send beautiful floral gifts with just a few clicks.

Featured Bouquet to Swan Hill

Roses And Gerberas With Vase - $110.95

Why do we Think This Bouquet is so Loved

We believe this bouquet’s charm lies in its lively pairing of pink roses and dark pink gerberas, brightened even more by purple asters. Customers frequently describe it as “absolutely stunning,” and many say the actual arrangement outshines what’s shown online. One delighted buyer noted, “The recipient sent me a photo… it was more beautiful than what was displayed on the website.”

From our perspective, the vase completes the presentation by giving it a polished look—perfect for special celebrations or just because. The consistent on-time delivery also contributes to its popularity. A customer remarked, “Ordered the day before… delivered on time and were beautiful,” emphasising the bouquet’s reliability. Combine that dependable service with a user-friendly website, and you see why so many find the whole experience “effortless” and “delightful.” Whether you’re cheering someone up or marking a milestone, this bouquet’s blend of romance, vibrancy, and fragrant elegance consistently makes a memorable statement.

* Please note that the reviews shown here are real, verified, and are for this actual bouquet. That said, some could be from customers ordering flowers to Swan Hill VIC, but some could be for locations further afield, or even in other states.

You can buy our Roses & Gerberas with Vases here.

What's in the Bouquet

  • Pink Roses – Representing grace, admiration, and affection.
  • Dark Pink Gerbera Daisies – Symbolising cheerfulness and vibrancy.
  • Purple Asters – Adding a touch of elegance and representing wisdom and admiration.
  • Green Foliage – Providing contrast and fullness to the arrangement
Summary of Flowers

This mix blends pink roses, dark pink gerberas, and purple asters with green leaves. The soft and bold pinks create depth, making it a good pick for many events.

Colour Theory & Harmony

The pink roses create a soft, romantic look, while the dark pink gerberas add energy. Purple asters bring a cool color that stands out against the pinks. Green leaves balance the design and separate the pink and purple flowers.

Design Structure & Mechanics

Arranged in a clear cylinder vase, the bouquet typically follows a rounded, dome-like composition. The taller stems (roses) may be interspersed with the gerberas and asters, creating varied heights and avoiding a flat appearance. A spiral or radial stem placement helps distribute the flowers evenly and ensures stability in the vase.

Proportion & Scale

Larger-headed gerberas and roses occupy central positions, with smaller asters placed in between or slightly higher for visual interest. Green foliage lines the edges and spaces, preventing the main blooms from overlapping and helping maintain an appealing, balanced profile.

Texture & Visual Depth

Soft, layered rose petals contrast with the more pronounced daisy-like forms of gerberas and the delicate petals of asters. The greenery adds another layer of texture—broad leaves or airy sprigs can complement the flowers’ shapes without overshadowing them. Altogether, this interplay of textures draws the eye throughout the design.

Fragrance & Practical Considerations

Roses typically provide a gentle, classic floral scent, while gerberas and asters have minimal fragrance. This moderate aroma level is friendly for most indoor settings. Re-cutting stems at an angle, changing the vase water regularly, and removing any submerged leaves are key steps to prolong freshness.

Overall Artistic Impact

Roses bring romance while gerberas add life and asters add charm. This mix feels warm and fun. It can brighten a room or mark a special day with bold colors and soft elegance.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Customer Rating
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Confirmed purchases
Perfect Ratings
Rated as "Excellent"

Lily's Florist makes buying flowers easy. Our website is simple to use, and our staff helps you find what you need. Customers can quickly browse options, place orders, and get help when needed. We focus on clear information and a smooth checkout process to save you time and reduce stress.

"Very easy to navigate - very user-friendly," shares one satisfied customer who appreciated the straightforward online experience.

Another customer explains, "Speaking with Lily's and checking the website first made all the difference. Lily's made everything so easy and the delivery was quick and the flowers superb."

The convenience doesn't end at just browsing - the entire transaction is designed to be hassle-free: "Easy transaction. The website was very easy to navigate. Price was reasonable and the service was excellent."

Stunning Arrangements That Exceed Expectations

When you order from Lily's Florist, you're not just getting flowers - you're getting expertly crafted arrangements that often surpass what's shown online.

"The recipient sent me a photo of the arrangement and it was more beautiful than what was displayed on the website. Absolutely stunning, both the flowers and the vase," shares one delighted customer.

Another remarks, "My sister in law greatly appreciated her Birthday Roses and Gerberas, she sent me a photo when received and I was pleased with the beautiful display."

The quality of the arrangements consistently impresses recipients: "Thankyou so much! My sister was quite overjoyed, she was even taken back with the beautiful vase they came in. She sent me photos and I must say they were lovely."

Timely Delivery You Can Count On

When sending flowers, timing matters. Lily's Florist understands this and ensures your arrangements arrive when promised.

"Ordered the day before delivery and the flowers were delivered on time and were beautiful (as described). They are still looking great nearly 2 weeks later!" shares a satisfied customer.

Another customer confirms, "Delivered on time. Lovely arrangement delivered on time. Committed to an AM drop-off and the flowers were delivered as promised."

effortless stunning reliable exceptional delightful personalised impressive

For those unexpected occasions requiring same-day service: "Honoured the same day delivery, internet ordering was easy and price was reasonable."

Exceptional Customer Service

What truly sets Lily's Florist apart is their dedication to customer satisfaction through personalized service and attention to detail.

"A real pleasure to deal with. The flowers were amazing, the lady receiving them was thrilled with the quality and colour," reports one customer who appreciated the extra care taken.

Even when customers prefer a more personal touch: "I didn't want to do my order online. It was a hugely special gift for my sister on her retirement so I phoned... the girl who answered... got right into it with me and was really helpful and lovely... My sister loved her delivery."

Another shares, "Helpful when constructing the sentiments for a sympathy card. Very caring."

Perfect for Every Occasion

Whether celebrating a special moment or sending comfort during difficult times, Lily's Florist has the perfect arrangement for every situation.

"Have used Lily's Florist a couple of times now and will do so again - happy to recommend them! Easy to order online, they're delivered when they say they will be, and the flowers are beautifully done!"

"Great selection of styles and prices to suit all occasions," notes another customer who appreciated the variety available.

Even during challenging times, Lily's delivers joy: "Mum said the Flowers were beautiful. A great present when we are in lockdown."

Cheap Birthday Flowers in Swan Hill VIC

Our diverse curation of hand-prepared flower gifts features bouquets and floral arrangements in every colour of the rainbow. We have blooming gifts for every type of recipient, every budget, and every occasion. Shop today and discover delightful gifts you can conveniently send to your loved ones in Swan Hill. 

6 Reasons To Send Flowers Rather Than Other Gifts

  1. Personal and Expressive: Flowers are a deeply personal and expressive gift, allowing you to convey a range of emotions and sentiments, from love and gratitude to sympathy and congratulations.
  2. Aesthetic Beauty: The visual appeal of flowers brings immediate joy and enhances the atmosphere of any space, making them a gift that appeals to the senses and adds beauty to the recipient’s environment.
  3. Versatility: With a variety of types and colours available, flowers are a versatile gift suitable for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or ‘just because’.
  4. Symbolic Meaning: Different flowers and their colours have unique symbolic meanings, allowing you to convey specific messages and sentiments, adding depth and thoughtfulness to your gift.
  5. Memorable Impact: The temporary nature of flowers makes them a memorable gift, as they create a sense of occasion and leave a lasting impression in the recipient’s memory.
  6. Health and Wellbeing: Numerous studies have shown that the presence of flowers can reduce stress, improve mood, and promote overall well-being, making them a gift that contributes to the recipient’s health and happiness.

Best Selling Flowers at Lily’s Florist

Roses remain to be a top-selling gift. They’re long-lasting and available in different hues. They’re commonly associated with romance, but they can also mean different things. Yellow roses symbolise friendship and pink ones represent gratitude and nurturing love. Tulips are also popular because they’re perfect as they are but can also blend well with other blossoms. 

The versatile hydrangeas and sunflowers are also among our popular flowers. Their size, shape, and textured beauty make them stand out. Both flowers will suit just about any gift-giving situation. 

Lily’s Florist also offers native Australian blooms and colourful mixed bouquets perfect as “just because” gifts or treats for yourself. 

Same Day Delivery to Swan Hill, VIC

Shopping for fresh flowers at Lily’s Florist is a breeze. Our safe and secure online store allows you to conveniently send floral gifts online. A few swipes and taps are all it takes for you to arrange a flower delivery to Swan Hill in VIC. We deliver to every residence and business address in and around Swan Hill. 

For same-day flower delivery, the order must be placed before 2pm Monday to Friday and before 10am Saturday in the recipient’s time zone. 

View Today’s Flower Deals 

At Lily’s Florist, you’re assured of farm-fresh blooms carefully selected to ensure a long vase life. How the flowers are handled, conditioned, and prepared is important in prolonging their vase life – these we know by heart. Our partner florists’ great attention to detail, and their creativity and dedication, ensure long-lasting and captivating floral gifts that will be received with much delight and will leave a lasting impact.   

As we close this floral chapter with Lily’s Florist, remember the diverse bouquets and the myriad of emotions they convey, the convenience of online flowers shopping, and our commitment to delivering fresh, long-lasting blooms to Swan Hill, Perth. Our attention to detail, creativity, and exciting deals are a testament to our dedication to making every floral gift a delightful memory. Seize the day, explore our offerings, and let our blooms become the enduring whispers of your heartfelt sentiments. Order today and let the magic of flowers speak!

Delivery Information for Swan Hill VIC

About Swan Hill Deliveries

  • Lily's Florist delivers to all areas of Swan Hill and surrounding areas
  • We service all residential addresses throughout Swan Hill 
  • Deliveries available hospital flowers to Swan Hill Regional Hospital on Splatt Street
  • Funeral flower deliveries coordinated with Swan Hill Lawn Cemetery
  • Office deliveries to Swan Hill Rural City Council chambers
  • Deliveries to Swan Hill College and St Mary MacKillop College

We mentioned these places as they usually are more challenging places to delivery flowers to. If you can any enquiries about these locations please call one of our staff. And, to reiterate, all our flowers are made and delivered by our partner florists in Swan Hill.

Delivery Availability

  • Same-day delivery available Monday through Saturday (except public holidays)
  • Orders must be placed by 2 PM for same-day delivery
  • Orders after 2 PM delivered next day
  • Orders after 10 AM Saturday delivered Monday morning
  • Sunday deliveries only available on Mother's Day

Delivery Fees

  • Standard delivery fee: $15.95
  • Additional charges may apply for remote locations
  • Delivery fee appears during checkout payment process

Required Information

  • Your details: Full name, mobile number, email address
  • Recipient details: Full name, complete Swan Hill address, mobile number
  • For hospital deliveries: Hospital name, ward, and bed number

Special Delivery Scenarios

  • Apartment deliveries: Recipient should be home or provide access instructions
  • Hospital deliveries: Special arrangements for ICU patients
  • Funeral deliveries: Will coordinate with funeral directors for timely delivery
  • If recipient not home: Flowers left in a safe place or returned to shop
  • Rural property deliveries: Clear directions and property names helpful

Product Options

  • Most bunches don't include vases (display purposes only in images)
  • "Flowers with vase" category available for arrangements with vases
  • Add-on extras: Chocolates, teddy bears, wine (must add flowers first)
  • Alcohol gifts require recipient to be over 18 with ID verification

Ordering Methods

  • Online through website: Browse categories or search bar
  • Phone orders: Call 1800 466 534
  • Operating hours: Monday-Friday 7 AM-6 PM, Saturday 7 AM-12 PM
  • Live chat available on website for quick questions

Payment & Issues

  • All prices include GST
  • Tax invoice provided via email
  • Secure payment processing (no stored credit card details)
  • For delivery issues: Contact immediately
  • Value complaints require photos within 24 hours
  • Refunds typically processed within 24 hours