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Roses, lilies, Australian native flowers, chrysanthemums, orchids – these are just a few of the beautiful blooms we use in our hand-arranged bouquets. Every flower is handpicked and carefully inspected to ensure perfection. So when you need a fresh flower display to spruce up your home or an impressive floral gift to someone you care about, just shop online at Lily’s Florist.

Shop Flowers Online To Tullamarine

More than 10 Flower Gift Categories are available to make flower gift shopping a lot easier for you. Conveniently the kind of flower gift that you need and arrange delivery in just a few simple steps.

Looking for birthday flowers? Sympathy flower arrangements? New baby floral gifts? Get well flowers? A gift hamper? Or maybe discounted flowers? You’ll find these and more at our online flower store. We take great pride in our assortment of fresh flower arrangements. Over a hundred flower gift options are waiting for you. There’s one that will definitely suit your need!

Tullamarine Bouquets Same Day Delivery

And if you need flowers today, you can rely on our partner florists to deliver your order the same day. We can arrange same day delivery for orders placed before the cut-off time of 2 PM for Monday to Friday same-day delivery and 10 AM for Saturday same-day delivery. Next day delivery applies to most orders placed after the said cut-off. You can also order fresh flowers in advance to make sure you never forget to send beautiful flowers to someone you love.

Flower Gifts for All Occasions

Our flower delivery service covers the entire suburb of Tullamarine in Melbourne. We deliver fresh flowers and gifts to homes, offices, hospitals, schools, churches, funeral homes, and nursing homes. So whether you need a surprise bouquet of roses delivered to your girlfriend’s workplace or a soothing ensemble of get well flowers sent to a maternity hospital, you can count on Lily’s Florist.

Order now and make someone’s day, or mood, better with the gift of colourful fresh flowers.