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Welcome to Lily’s Florist! We’re your trustworthy online florist offering a wide selection of flower gifts showcasing wondrous botanical beauty. Our floral arrangements and bouquets are filled with handpicked fresh blossoms and lush foliage. Expect an ensemble of colour, texture, and charm that’s sure to ignite all senses. 

Shop now and discover our current flower deals! 

Shop Flowers Online to Strathmore

We’ve thoughtfully categorised our flower arrangements so you can easily find the floral design you need. Get birthday flowers, bouquets with chocolates, flowers with wine, sympathy flower arrangements, a new baby floral gift with balloons, or a gift hamper. Over a hundred flower gift options are in store and there’s certainly one that will fit your needs.

Can’t decide which design to get? Shop from our Florist’s Choice section and get a surprise, one-of-a-kind floral design featuring fresh flowers of the day. 

Impressive Bouquets and Flower Gifts

Whatever occasion you’re celebrating, Lily’s Florist has a striking floral creation to mark that special day. Whatever sentiment you wish to express, we have a flower arrangement that can convey your message.

Order now and see how our hand-arranged flower gifts can connect you closer to your loved ones in Melbourne. 

Fresh Flowers Delivered Same Day to Strathmore, Melbourne

Lily’s Florist delivers fresh flowers and gift baskets to homes, offices, churches, schools, hospitals, and nursing homes in and around Strathmore. Our partner florists can also delivery sympathy flowers to funeral homes. 

Same-day delivery to Strathmore is available, too. We’re ready to respond to your urgent flower delivery needs. Just order online or by phone before 2PM for Monday to Friday same-day delivery. Saturday same-day delivery to Strathmore requires order placement before 10AM. 

Have a display of pastel pink mums and white lilies delivered to your special someone today. A little surprise gift is all it takes to make a huge difference in her day.