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Premium floral bouquets delivered on the same day by Lily’s Florist 

How’s your day today? Is it a colour black or white?

Why limit the options to black and white when you have a spectrum of colours available for your visual satisfaction. Red, blue, yellow, violet – there are a lot! You can look up for the colours of the rainbow and below for the colours of the ocean. On land, the colours are exclusively and naturally brought to you by flowers.

Welcome aboard to the world of colours and fragrance of flowers delivered fast to your front door by Lily’s Florist.

Allow us to let you experience the freshness of flowers matched by the authentic designs our trained partner florists apply on our flower bouquets and bunches. Our floral gifts are all hand-arranged and carefully delivered to you or your recipient the same day when you order before 2 PM on Mondays through Fridays and prior to 10 AM on Saturdays.

How to order online from Lily’s Florist 

No need to disrupt your daily schedule if you want to send flowers to your family and friends. Go online using your Iphone, Android phone, and desktop computer to access our website and select the flowers that you need and right after you shop, pay with convenience via Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, and American Express cards.

Want to know more about our flowers and delivery services? Chat with us through live chat, email, or telephone hotline. We would be happy to be of service to you.

Featured Flower Bunch of the Day by Lily’s Florist 

Our flower collection showcases various flower designs under categories of roses, birthday, sympathy, baby, and many more. Today, we’ll introduce you to some of our bestselling flower bunch arrangements.

Bright Bunch + White Wine

You will absolutely enjoy the mixed colours of this floral array with the company of a bottle of white wine. A stunner by itself, our Bright Bunch’s vibrant pinks, purples, yellows, and reds will surely keep the blues away.

Pastel Pink Lily and Rose Bunch

There is always something light about pastels especially when it is in pink hues. The dreamy nature of this bunch shows you more the simple yet elegant beauty of pastel pink toned lilies and roses. Order this charmer with a vase and readily display it once received from our courier.

Send a flower bunch today!