
Featured Flowers

Same Day Delivery
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Same Day Delivery
Hand-arranged bouquets delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist 

If it’s too good to be true, it’s not real. This may be true for some situations but with flowers – its goodness is as real as your two eyes appreciating its beauty day and night.

Sweet dreams and realities are always accompanied by radiant blooms of fragrant flowers and now it’s bound to be yours by just a quick order online. Here comes the best blend of flowers and technology – welcome to Lily’s Florist!

Lily’s Florist caters to your emergency floral needs which should be addressed right away, the same day. Our team of florists creates the most charming bouquets which can be delivered the same day to your sweetheart, mother, friend, or colleague in West Hobart.

How to order for same day flowers?

In the middle of a busy work or home day, you should always allot time, even a few minutes to send your loving thoughts to a family or friend, especially one who needs it most. Good thing, our flowers are within your reach when you use your smartphones and desktop computers.

Send flowers the same day when you order from our encrypted website. Browse through our flower selections featuring a variety of handmade arrangements such as bouquets, bunches, sympathy flowers, new baby flowers, birthday flowers, and even plant and gift arrangements!

We also have gift freebies you can add to the bouquet as you check-out for a grander gift to send. Lily’s Florist has balloons, teddy bears, chocolates, red and white wines for you to choose from.

All flowers used in our products are locally sourced so you can expect the freshness of our roses, lilies, daisies, carnations, and more to last longer, and even more when you do the basic flower care tips.

Important flower care tips you need to remember

The need for clean. When storing flowers, you need a clean vase with clean water for regular hydration. Wilted leaves and flowers should also be cleaned up and removed from the healthy foliage.

Trim it up! Flowers absorb water better if their stems are cut at an angle periodically. Use a sharp knife or scissors.

Keep it normal. Extreme temperatures can hasten spoiling of flowers so make sure that you place the flowers in a spot where there is just enough sun exposure while maintaining a cool temperature.