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Looking for a professionally arranged bouquet? Shop at Lily’s Florist for flower arrangements creatively and skillfully prepared by talented florists. 

Choose from a large selection of fresh flower gifts. Pink bouquets, dainty posies, all white flower arrangements, birthday flowers, new baby floral gifts, bouquets with wine, flowers with chocolates – we have all of these. Celebrate any special occasion or turn ordinary days into special ones with fresh flowers from Lily’s Florist. 

West Melbourne Same-Day Flower Delivery

Conveniently arrange a flower delivery online. Shop at our safe and secure online store and have a flower delivered to your loved one’s home or workplace without any hassle. Buy flowers at any time of day, or night, and shop from wherever you are in the world!

Weekday flower orders placed before 2:00 PM in the delivery location can be delivered on the same day of purchase. Saturday same-day deliveries require order placement before 10:00 AM.

Lily’s Florist delivers bouquets, flower arrangements, and gift hampers to homes, offices, aged care facilities, hospitals, schools, churches, and funeral homes in and around West Melbourne through our skilled network partners.

Discount Flowers by Lily’s Florist 

If you’re looking for professionally arranged flower gifts at discounted prices, you’re in for a treat! Lily’s Florist has a special selection of affordable flower gifts. You can get discounts up to 15% on selected florist-prepared arrangements. Other bunches and floral gifts on sale even allow you to get a glass vase or a box of chocolates at no extra cost.

Lily’s Florist intends to make online flower shopping easier, more exciting, and more affordable for you. So go ahead and take advantage of our flower deals!

Grab a Flower Deal to West Melbourne

Delight a loved one with one of our hand-arranged floral creations filled with handpicked blooms. Get a bold and bright bouquet of this season’s best blossoms or opt for a monochromatic yet dramatic all-white or all-purple flower arrangement. Whichever you choose, you’re assured of a captivating floral design that will bring life to any space and smile to your
loved one’s heart. Shop at Lily’s Florist today!