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Keep in touch with a loved one in Docklands by sending a bouquet of fresh flowers through Lily’s Florist. We offer the best flower gifts to keep you closer to the ones you love despite distance. Your little surprise that says “I remember you” or “I miss you” will surely be appreciated.

Lily’s Florist also has a large selection of celebration flowers. Whether it’s a birthday you’re celebrating or the arrival of a new member of the family, our local florists in Docklands can provide the cheeriest flower gift.

Take a look at each of our categories and find flower deals you can take advantage of! 

Docklands Flowers Same Day Delivery

Place an order before 2:00 PM from Monday to Friday and we’ll arrange same-day delivery for your order. Checkout your cart before 10:00 AM on a Saturday for same-day delivery. We offer fast and reliable same-day and next-day delivery to anywhere in the waterfront inner suburb of Docklands that’s two kilometres west of Melbourne CBD. 

We deliver flower bunches, bouquets, flower arrangements, and gift hampers to addresses around the Library at the Dock, the Webb Bridge, the Jim Stynes Bridge, and the Marvel Stadium. 

Hand-Arranged Bouquets by Expert Docklands Partners

Choose from more than a hundred flower gift options. Most flower arrangements come in three sizes to match your budget. All floral creations are skillfully and creatively prepared by hand by passionate and experienced florists in Docklands.

We don’t deliver flowers that we ourselves won’t be happy to receive. Only the freshest and the most vibrant blooms are used in each floral ensemble. 

Send Flowers to Docklands, Melbourne Today!

So aside from the typical text message or phone call, why not get in touch with loved ones far away through fresh flowers. Express affection, deliver a special message, or send good vibes through someone’s way through an expressive floral gift prepared and delivered by Lily’s Florist.