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​Brain and flowers –what’s the connection?

Did you know that there are several studies which showed that the presence of flowers encouraged brain activity that evokes a feeling of joy and positivity? Now you know and it will excite you more to know that Lily’s Yatala Florist is now delivering marvellous flowers to wherever you are in Yatala.

That’s correct! We even deliver the same day if you order before 2 PM on Mondays to Fridays and 10 AM on Saturdays. There is no need for you to rush out of your office to order flowers for delivery as soon as you remember the very important thing you should not have forgotten – your wedding anniversary! We will deliver your flowers, pronto!

You can assure that we will always come to your rescue anytime, anywhere because our flowers are fresh and on-demand. You can go to our website to learn more about our floral masterpieces handcrafted by our partner florists in Yatala – the best in town! Order online or give us a call if you have any questions or special requests with regard to your order. Using our website is safe; the page is encrypted so your private data is kept confidential.

Lily’s Yatala Florist has the best collection of flower arrangements for celebrations and solemn moments. If you want to make someone smile, our team can send some smiling daisies. If you want to comfort someone, we can send your recipient roses for recovery. If you want to reassure someone, we have lilies to ease anxiety. For every wish for hope, there is a flower that can play the role of a dependable friend, faithful partner, and a loving child.

There are a lot of benefits that we can get from flowers. Aside from the fact that they make our surrounds beautiful flowers have a strong impact on our psychological well-being. Here are more benefits we want to share with you.

5 Benefits of Flowers

Increased Job Satisfaction. Learn to love Mondays once you reward your office desk with a pretty little flower bunch which can remind you not to hate your job and instead be thankful it’s letting you enjoy monthly delivery of Blue Mist Bunch from Lily’s Yatala Florist and a full bag of groceries every week.

Lower blood pressure. Who doesn’t like this? As much as possible, we want to be healthy the natural way and if the presence and fragrance of flowers can calm down our nerves then it’s an easy choice compared to chemical-based treatments. Get yourself some Rose, Gerbera, and Lily Arrangement and enjoy the feeling of solace.

Improved outlook. If you are feeling down lately and nothing seems to change your mood, you might need a little push and some uplifting from flowers. The colour and scents of flowers are known to enhance mood and boost energy. Our Beautiful Rose Arrangement placed in your living room will make all the difference and make you face the day with a smile.

Faster recovery from illness. Flowers are pretty much a regular sight in hospital rooms. Lily’s Yatala Florist offers get well flowers that can be delivered to hospitals. Provide us with the hospital name, patient’s name and room number, and the delivery schedule in hospitals upon ordering and we’ll do the rest. Flowers are bringers of positivity and for sure, your loved one or friend will get well soon. We recommend our Blissful Botanics Arrangements for a quick touch of healing.

Quicker reflexes.  Improved moods caused by flowers means you become more alert with your surroundings. When flowers make you feel recharged, it also makes you more in tuned with what is happening around you and you get to feel better and perform better at work.

Whatever flowers you choose, there is always an advantage you can get from astonishing multi-colour foliage like flowers. Lily’s Yatala Florist will make sure that you and your recipients get the flowers you need and deserve. We also have additional gift items and hampers which you can pair with your ordered bouquet to send out more love and joy to those who need it most plus, all our products are affordable.

To give back, Lily’s Yatala Florist also has flowers on sale, Under $50, and discounts at 15% off so you can always send flowers even if on a tight budget.

Yatala in Queensland, Australia is a suburb with only 1,346 recorded populations as of 2011. You can get the best-tasting pies at the iconic Yatala Pie Shop, which is a regular stop-over for travellers and included in the list of Australia’s Big Things.