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Make someone’s ordinary day a little bit more special with one of our hand-arranged bouquets. An unexpected gift is sure to brighten your loved one’s day. Order fresh flowers at Lily’s Florist and let someone you care about know how special she is.

Shop Flower Gifts Online to Altona

We have the perfect surprise flowers that will brighten not just your loved one’s day but also her mood. Our big and bold sunflowers, captivating ranunculus flowers, and dreamy roses can certainly bloom a smile to your special someone’s face. A small gift like fresh flowers sent out-of-the-blue is enough to make a huge difference in your loved one’s day, in her mental health, and in your relationship. Little surprises have the biggest impact, they say.

So go ahead and get your beloved a nice ensemble of her favourite flowers or blooms in her favourite colour. Include a box of chocolates for an extra sweet treat or a classy clear glass vase so her flowers will be ready for display.

Birthday Flowers Delivered Same Day to Altona

Lily’s Florist also has a wide selection of flower gifts for different occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, and new baby births! We also have sympathy flowers and gift hampers thoughtfully prepared by expert partners.

We offer same-day flower delivery to residential and commercial addresses in Altona, Melbourne. Count on us to deliver a bouquet or a gift basket to someone who lives near Kooringal Golf Club or to an address near Altona College. Lily’s Florist delivers flowers to homes, offices, churches, schools, aged care facilities, and memorial parks.
For same-day delivery, we require orders to be placed before 2:00 PM Monday to Friday and before 10:00AM Saturday so our florists have enough time to prepare the floral arrangements.

Fast Altona Flower Delivery You Can Count On

Spoil a loved one today and make her day with fresh flowers! She deserves that little present that’s as beautiful and captivating as her character. Order online today, using your Smartphone or computer, and enjoy the convenience of shopping for flower gifts at Lily’s Florist.

Remember to check our Freebies section for the best flower deals!