
Birthday Flowers And Gifts

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You really can’t go wrong with flowers. Sourced from nature, these gifts from Mother Earth make wonderful presents for just about any occasion. Someone’s natal day is a special occasion worth celebrating with these natural beauties. Lily’s Florist has a special collection of Birthday Flowers that are meticulously prepared by our well-trained and experienced florists. Choose among bouquets and bunches and baskets of fresh roses or mixed blooms or pink daisies and vibrant sunflowers and celebrate the gift of life by sending Lily’s Florist birthday flowers.

Bright and beautiful birthday presents from Lily’s Florist

Make someone feel even more special on her birthday by giving a bouquet or basket of fresh flowers. When choosing which arrangement to send, don’t forget to consider the character of the recipient, your relationship with her and of course your budget. Roses are perfect for someone you truly love like your wife, girlfriend or mom. A classic bouquet would be appreciated by a conservative lady while someone who loves adventure would be delighted to receive an arrangement of exotic blooms. Your good and funny friend would love to get a bunch of sunflowers or an arrangement with a cute little teddy bear. For your lady boss, lilies delicately arranged in a glass vase and a bottle of white wine would be perfect. Lily’s Florist has a vast collection of flower arrangements ideal for birthdays.

Birth Flowers by Month

When sending birthday flowers, you may also want to consider the birthday month of the recipient and the corresponding flower that symbolizes her birthday month. Certain cultures claim that some characteristics of flowers are inherited by people born on that specific month. For individuals born in the month of January, Carnation is the symbolic flower for them. Violets represent February and Daffodil is for March-borne individuals. Those whose birthdays fall on April have the beautiful Daisy as their birth flower and those who were born in the month of May are symbolized by Lily of the Valley. The most popular flower which is rose is said to be the birth flower of people born in June. Larkspur is for July, Gladiolus is for August, Aster and Forget-me-not for September and Marigold for October. The November birth flower is Chrysanthemum and the December birth flower is Poinsettia.

Suggested Birthday Flower Colours

Your choice of flower arrangement to send may also be based on the colour that signifies the recipient’s birth month. White is the colour of January, violet is for February, yellow is for March and pink is for April. May birthday celebrators would surely be delighted to receive blooms in white while June celebrators might prefer red flower. Pink is also the colour for July and yellow is for August. Purple is the colour for September and October-born individuals would be attracted more to blooms in shades of orange. November’s flower colour is also yellow and the December flower colour is white.

Huge collection of birthday bouquets and gift baskets

The language of flowers is truly immense hence sending blooms as presents carry significant and personal messages. If you are unsure of which birthday flower arrangement to give, our expert florists are ready to make recommendations. Place an order before 2PM and we’ll have your present hand-delivered the same day anywhere in Australia. Lily’s Florist’s flower arrangements make use of only the freshest flowers available. We guarantee that our flower arrangements are thoughtfully created and crafted by hand. We can add birthday balloons, stuffed toy, chocolates, and bottles of wine to your flower present.

Bright, colourful blooms to brighten up a special day

At Lily’s Florist, you are assured of fresh and bright blooms that will never fail to brighten the recipient’s day. The beauty of our flowers will continue to glow even after all the candles have been blown out. Birthdays are celebrated only once a year so make sure your present is truly special. Lily’s Florist allows you to give birthday flowers in a variety of types and colours. Allow us to help you “walk through” our online garden and select among freesias, lilies, peonies, daisies, gerberas and roses. Our birthday flower catalogue offers a good selection of classy, meaningful yet affordable arrangements. So whether you need a bouquet for someone’s 18th birthday, or a basket of blooms for someone’s 40th year on earth, Lily’s Florist is ready to deliver fresh, fragrant and captivating birthday flowers.

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