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Looking for a gorgeous flower gift for delivery to Campbelltown? Shop at Lily’s Florist and we’ll take care of your flower delivery needs in the area.

Fresh Flowers In Vase From Lily’s Florist 

We have the freshest premium roses in Campbelltown and they’re ready to be arranged by hand by our talented team of florists. We’re known for making impressive and expressive bouquets, box-assembled arrangements, posies, vase-assembled arrangements and flower bunches. Lily’s Florist has a nice selection of thoughtful flowers gifts for all occasions and every budget. We have posies for $45, sets in a box for $65, bunches at $55, dozen roses for a little over $100 and bouquets starting at $29. Yes, our flowers come with a cheap price but definitely not with a cheap quality.

We only use premium roses, gerberas, carnations, lilies, tropical flowers and Aussie natives sourced from the best growers in the land. These are handpicked and hand-selected by a partner florist. Each arrangement is meticulously prepared to match the occasion, message or intention of the recipient. So whether you wish to send a bouquet that will warm someone’s heart or bring a ray of sunshine to someone’s gloomy day, Lily’s Florist can provide you exactly what you need.

Lily's Florist At Your Service

Our flowers are available for delivery to anywhere in the suburb. Campbelltown is a major centre in Sydney’s metropolitan area and is one of the only four cities within the said metropolitan area. It is 50 kilometres southwest of the central business district and is originally called “Campbell-Town.” 

Campbelltown basically offers great value for money. Although the suburb appears busy, the community atmosphere is still there and the area hasn’t fully turned into a concrete jungle. There are a number of shopping centres in the area and the housing value is affordable. Parks are safe, sporting clubs are a plenty, private and public schools are both good.

If you have family and friends living in Campbelltown, why don’t you surprise them with a flower gift to let them know that they are still in your thoughts? Choose from our wide variety of flower gifts for birthdays, anniversary, graduation, promotion, new baby and more. We do have invigorating floral displays perfect as get well gifts. We can also design for you a special thank you flower or I miss you bouquet. Lily’s Florist also has sympathy flowers, just because flower gifts, and flower arrangements for corporate events. 

Same Day Delivery of Flower Gifts in Campbelltown

Wherever you are in the world, it is now easier for you to surprise your loved ones in Campbelltown with a special gift. Our online flower shop accepts orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our delivery service is available Monday to Saturday. For your last minute gifts, we do same day flower deliveries six times a day. Just make sure you place an order before 2PM on a weekday and 10AM on a Saturday so we can promptly arrange same day flower delivery.