
Chipping Norton Flowers Delivery Now

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Same Day Delivery

Lily's Florist is the number one delivery florist in Sydney. We stock a large, no make that, massive range of everyday flowers that are available online to order or by calling us today. All our flowers are available for same-day delivery.

First of all, what are the reasons why you should order same-day flowers with Lily's Florist?

The first reason is that no other florist boasts a range of beautiful flowers, lovely gifts,  and generally all occasion flowers as we do. 

Next, is that by far we have the safest, easiest to use, best online flower store in Sydney making your flower shopping that much easier in our time poor society.

Featured products:

Today's featured product is our deal of the day.  Our deal of the day starts at $39 for the standard, $53 for the deluxe, and $63 for the premium size. This product was designed for people that are not quite sure what to buy, it puts the decision for what to put into the flowers in the hands of our trusted  partner florists. It's really good value and the most commonly purchased sizes the deluxe size.

Our next featured product is what we call our colourful bunch with free chocolates. This is actually our most popular bunch at Lily's Florist. If you order this today  you save $19. This lovely bunch of seasonal flowers contains shades of yellow, purple, lavender, red, and a handful of freshly picked garden fresh Greenery.  The really awesome thing about this bunch of flowers is it comes with free chocolates and we think that this is the reason why this is a fan favourite with Lily's Florist.

The third and final product of the day is out ever popular stylish with free chocolates. This stylish bunch of flowers features beautifully scented white lilies, generally speaking most of the lilies will have flowered, but there will be some buds on stems too, these usually bloom about 2 days after they have been delivered. If you order this flower Bunch today you can save $20 and we will throw in free chocolates.

Whatever products you choose to buy you can rest assured that it will be made with love and delivered with love. Remember that we send same-day flowers to Chipping Norton daily from Monday to Saturday every week of the year.

Expert florist tips:  to maintain the freshness of the flowers that your loved ones of friends receives make sure that they change the water in the vase the flowers go into every 2 days. Another great tip is to ensure that the flowers stay out of the sunlight, or at least direct sunlight. This is really important because direct sunlight usually burns the petals of the flowers or at least accelerates the deterioration process. It's also advised to trim the stems by around 3 centimeters or so, every two days when you change the water. On that note when you do change the water make sure that you rinse the vase out with warm soapy water to clean and kill the bacterial growth inside the vase, this bacteria can also inhibit the length of time the flowers can survive.