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Finding the richest red and burgundy blooms need not take so much of your time. Shop at Lily’s Florist and discover a wide selection of red flower arrangements sure to satisfy your needs. Whether you’re sending one to express love and devotion, or to show pride and joy over someone’s success, our red bouquets and floral creations can express your sentiments.

Romantic Flower Gifts to Collingwood, Melbourne

Red flowers are perfect for evoking romance. Shop at Lily’s Florist for romantic rose bouquets and mixed flower arrangements filled with red-toned blossoms. Choose from hundreds of floral designs featuring red chrysanthemums and roses, red amaryllis, red-tinged alstroemerias and lilies, anthuriums, and gerbera daisies. To make any romantic bouquet a little sweeter, add a box of chocolates or an adorable teddy bear. For anniversary celebrations, pair the flowers with a bottle of champagne. 

Aside from red-themed floral designs, we also have mixed bouquets featuring blooms in the colours of the rainbow. Dreamy pastel flowers are likewise available. 

Collingwood Express Same Day Delivery

Order right now and we might be able to get your gift delivered on the day of your purchase. Our weekday (Monday to Friday) same-day delivery applies to orders placed before 2:00 PM. Please get your cart checked out before 10:00 AM for Saturday same-day delivery. Network partners will prepare and deliver your order.

Lily’s Florist delivers bouquets, bunches, flower arrangements, and gift hampers to homes, offices, businesses, nursing homes, hospitals, schools, churches, and funeral homes in the inner-city suburb of Collingwood, Melbourne. 

Affordable Flowers Delivered to Collingwood 

Let our floral team craft a fabulous display of this season’s freshest and most vibrant flowers. Surprise a loved one in Collingwood today with a flower delivery that will impress her and express your love and affection. When it comes to flower gifts that bring joy and spread positivity, you have Lily’s Florist to count on.

Shop now and make the most of our current flower deals!