
Dee Why Flowers Delivery Today

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Lily’s Florist is all about gorgeous flowers at reasonable prices. In here, you can find a fine selection of beautiful fresh flowers arranged in a decorative box, in a modern glass vase, bouquet or posy style. Choose from our fresh and vibrant roses, gerberas, carnations, lilies, tropical blossoms and charming Australian native flowers. Buy flowers in a vase now.

Add chocolates, a teddy bear, balloons, or gift hampers and upgrade your flower gift to something extra special. Bespoke floral arrangements are available, too.

Save Money on Fresh Flowers From Lily’s Florist 

Why spend hundreds of dollars when you can get lovely bouquets for less than $50? We don’t scrimp on flora and foliage hence you’re sure to receive something that’s full to the brim, one that is more than your money’s worth.

Our blossoms are sourced from the best suppliers and are prepared by qualified florists. We’ve partnered only with the most reputable florists who share the same passion in delivering smiles through the expressive beauty of fresh flowers.

Lily’s Florist’s fabulous flowers make a thoughtful gift to family and friends in Dee Why. Let our flowers send your message of cheer, gratitude, admiration, love, or support. We also have flowers to communicate sympathy and well wishes.

Bespoke Floral Gifts Made with Keen Attention to Detail

We deliver floral gifts to commercial and residential addresses in Dee Why.

Dee Why is a northern Sydney suburb 18 kilometres northeast of the central business district. The area is contained in Dee Why Lagoon’s drainage basin. Attractions in the area include the 1957 Stony Range Regional botanic Garden which houses foliage and flora from all over Australia. Dee Why beach is another attraction showcasing a view of the Tasman Sea. At the beach’s end is the Dee Why Beach Reserve complete with picnic areas and century-old Nortfolk Island Pines. Behind the beach’s dunes to the north is Dee Why Lagoon which was considered as a wildlife refuge in 1973.

At Pittwater Road, you can find the main commercial area of Dee Why. Expect to see 1960s shops. Several arcades and small shopping boutiques are in Dee Why. The biggest shopping centre is Dee Why Grand. Another commercial area in Dee Why is The Strand that runs along the southern Dee Why beach front.

Same Day Flowers in Vase Delivery to Dee Why

For your flower delivery needs in Dee Why, consider Lily’s Florist. We deliver bouquets, box arrangements, vase arrangements and gift hampers to offices and private homes around Dee Why Public School, Fisher Road Special School, St. Luke’s Grammar School, St. Kevin’s Catholic Primary School, Peninsula Grammar Boys School, and St. Luke’s Anglican College. We can also deliver flowers to Dee Why churches including the Methodist Church at Howard Avenue, New Life Baptist Church, St. John’s Anglican Church, St. David’s Uniting Church and St. Kevin’s Catholic Church.

Same-day delivery applies to orders placed before 2PM on a weekday and 10AM during Saturday. So hurry, order fresh flowers today and experience Lily’s Florist’s first-rate flower delivery service.