
Delivery Daily

Find the perfect way to express your feelings with a stunning flower bunch to Bathurst NSW from Lily's Florist. Our skilled partner florists in Bathurst NSW make each flower arrangement using the freshest flowers, ensuring your message is conveyed with beauty and expert care. Whether you're celebrating an occasion like a birthday or simply letting someone know you're thinking of them, our wide and fresh selection and same-day delivery options make it easy to find the ideal gift to Bathurst. Don't wait – order flowers now and experience the joy of sending an unforgettable flower arrangement to your loved ones in Bathurst. Buy flowers online now, or call an expert for advice or to order on 1800 466 534.
Find the perfect way to express your feelings with a stunning flower bunch to Bathurst NSW from Lily's Florist. Our skilled partner florists in Bathurst NSW make each flower arrangement using the freshest flowers, ensuring your message is conveyed with beauty and expert care.
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Lily's Florist Delivery to Bathurst

Service Highlights

Expert Network - 15+ years of experience with trusted local partner florists in Bathurst who create fresh arrangements and ensure quality with real brick-and-mortar shops.
Range & Affordability - Over 120 different options from $42 Single Wrapped Roses to premium arrangements, plus gift hampers, vases, teddy bears, balloons, wine and chocolates.
Hospital Expertise - Specialised boxed arrangements for Bathurst Hospital deliveries with detailed guidance on required patient information and delivery protocols.
Customer Support - Free phone assistance with real Australian staff, post-purchase support, and secure payment options with SSL-protected transactions.

When Lily’s Florist first set up, we wanted to sell simple, stylish flowers, beautifully presented online. We knew people would love them. And they did! Bathurst was one of our first delivery locations when we started Lily's Florist almost 15 years ago and Bathurst still remains one of our top locations for sending flowers. If you are interested you can learn more about the Lily's Florist story.

Just so you are clear the whole partner florist in Bathurst 'thing', if you have not read the Lily's Florist story that we mentioned and linked to above. When you place a flower order to Bathurst, whether you call us or order online, you flower order will be directed to one of our many flower delivery experts. Which partner florist your flowers go to strictly depends upon what you flowers you ordered and what each florist has in stock at the time. For example, if you ordered our 12 Red Rose Arrangement your flower order would go to a partner, if they only had 6 Red Roses left in store, your flower order would go to our second partner florist in Bathurst, who would then make up the order and send it to the recipient as per your order. 

Sending flowers has never been easier with Lily's Florist's premium delivery service. Our network of skilled Bathurst flower experts ensures your heartfelt messages are conveyed through stunning floral arrangements, delivered fresh and on time throughout the Bathurst region.

Featured Bouquets to Bathurst

Oriental Lilies Bunch to Bathurst From 79.95

What's in the Bouquet

  • White Lilies
  • Vase not included

Lily's Florists' popular Oriental Lilies Bunch has garnered 67 glowing reviews, with customers consistently praising both its beauty and our reliable service. "Beautiful bouquet" and "fast delivery" are common themes in the feedback, showcasing our commitment to both quality and timeliness. We strongly believe its popularity stems from the lilies' elegant beauty, long-lasting freshness, and the delightful fragrance they bring to any room.

What stands out in recent reviews is the ease of ordering and our quick response times. One customer shares how they "created my online order at 7pm on a weeknight, and it was delivered mid-morning the next day." Another customer particularly appreciated our attention to detail, noting how we even "supplied a photo of the arrangement prior to delivery for my approval."

Oriental lilies bunch or Bathurst

Our website's user-friendly design receives frequent praise, with customers describing it as "very good, very helpful and very easy to use, lots of choice of flowers and arrangements." We're also open to improvement - some customers have suggested adding order tracking and delivery notifications, features we're constantly working to enhance.

While one customer noted to us they'd like to see more detail about size differences between arrangements, the overwhelming majority of reviews highlight complete satisfaction with both the service and the final product. "Fast response and beautiful flowers" sums up what makes this arrangement one of our most popular choices. From the initial order to final delivery, we aim to make sending beautiful Oriental Lilies a seamless experience.

What We Think

The Oriental Lilies Bunch stands out as a popular choice for Bathurst customers because it beautifully combines timeless elegance with lasting freshness. At Lily's Florist, we've noticed customers repeatedly highlight three main reasons for choosing this bouquet: the striking beauty of pure white lilies, their captivating fragrance, and how long they remain fresh. Additionally, our dedication to efficient service—from the simplicity of placing orders online to speedy delivery—reinforces this bouquet’s popularity. The thoughtful details we provide, such as sending arrangement photos for approval, further assure customers they're making the perfect choice. Ultimately, it's the seamless blend of exceptional flowers and attentive customer care that keeps this bouquet in high demand.

Red Mixed Bunch to Bathurst From $105.95

What's in the Bouquet

  • Red Roses
  • Green Spider Chrysanthemums (the bright green, pom-pom style blooms), and
  • Red Hypericum Berries (the small, round red berries).
  • Vase not included

Our Red Mixed Bunch at $105.95 has captivated customers with its vibrant combination of red flowers. We believe its popularity is due to the blend of textures and shades of red, creating a more visually interesting and passionate statement than a standard bouquet of say red roses. Featured prominently in this arrangement is the mystical red gerbera daisy, alongside other velvety blooms that create a more dynamic presentation than traditional red roses alone. With 6 thoughtful reviews, our customers consistently praise both the arrangement's beauty and our service quality.

What sets this bunch apart is its stunning variety of red tones, perfect for expressing admiration and love. Recent customer feedback highlights how our arrangements arrive "beautiful exactly like the picture on your website," demonstrating our commitment to delivering exactly what we promise. The versatility of this arrangement makes it perfect for any occasion - from milestone birthdays to heartfelt surprises and it's our most popular bouquet of flowers for Christmas.

Red Mixed Bunch to bathurst same day

Our website makes ordering simple and straightforward, with customers praising how it's "easy to navigate with heaps of choice and options." Even customers ordering from overseas have been "delighted with the result," noting the "gorgeous roses and lush foliage." While one review mentions delivery timing considerations, we've used this feedback to enhance our communication about delivery windows, ensuring expectations are clearly set.

What We Think

In our opinion, the Red Mixed Bunch continues to delight customers in Bathurst because of its vibrant, captivating combination of textures and striking red tones. We believe its charm lies in the thoughtful inclusion of classic red roses, unique green spider chrysanthemums, and playful red hypericum berries, creating a bouquet that's visually richer than traditional arrangements. Customers frequently express appreciation for how accurately our bouquets match online images, reinforcing trust in our commitment to quality. We also feel the bouquet's versatility—ideal for everything from milestone birthdays to festive celebrations like Christmas—contributes significantly to its popularity. Ultimately, we believe it's this careful balance of beauty, accuracy, and adaptability that keeps customers returning to this vibrant choice.

Affordable Flower Delivery to Bathurst NSW

Our reputation for unique, stylish flower presentations sets us apart. Every arrangement we sell is made with creativity and excellence, making special occasions even more memorable for the people you care about. Whether they are celebrating a wedding, a big birthday, they got a promotion at work, or sending get-well wishes, you are sending flowers for a funeral, our expert Bathurst florists in Bathurst create customised bouquets that will exceed yours, and definitely their expectations. We stock flowers for customers with no budget but also cheap flowers to Bathurst like our Single Wrapped Rose for $42. This a popular choice for some occasions such as a graduation gift, flowers for a 30th birthday, to show you appreciate a friend, or even a secret admirer gift.

Same Day Flower Delivery to Bathurst

For those last minute gifts and flower orders, we offer same day flower delivery throughout Bathurst, including to Hospitals. Flower orders that are placed before 2 PM on weekdays and 10 AM on Saturdays qualify for same-day delivery, any order placed after this time will be delivered at the earliest possible time the following day. When order flowers to any Bathurst Hospital please ensure you have all the patients details before you attempt to place your flower order. Details such as:

  • Patients name
  • The wing number
  • The ward name or number
  • The bed number
  • You must also have their mobile number

It's also worth noting that no Bathurst Hospital accepts flowers to patients that are in ICU so if you are going to send flowers, please ensure that they have been assigned a bed.

Lily's Florist also highly advises to buy flowers that are already made in a box, also known as a flower arrangement. We advise this as no hospitals ever provide a vase. Boxed flowers come in water also, this means the flowers you send will last significantly longer that if you ordered a bunch. Take a look at our Hospital flowers to Bathurst.

Secure Online Flower Shopping to Bathurst

Shopping for flowers with Lily's Florist is convenient and stress-free. We offer our customers over 120 different boxed arrangements, gifts, flower bunches, flowers in vase, gift hampers both sweet and savoury, and flower gift sets - our most popular being our Colourful Bunch Including Chocolates as an example. We also can deliver great keepsakes with your delivery to Bathurst like vases, teddy bears and balloons. There are also other extras we deliver like bubbly, white wine, red wine, and chocolates for the friend with a sweet tooth.

All purchases with Lily's Florist are secured by the highest rated SSL certificate that is available and you can pay for flowers online to Bathurst using credit cards such as MasterCard, Visa & American Express. For your convenience and peace of mind, you can also pay with PayPal.

Lily's Florist does NOT retain your credit card details post purchase of flowers.

Why Choose Lily's Florist to Bathurst

  • Lily's Florist has over 15 years experience in sending same day flowers to Bathurst NSW through our trusted and expertly trained, and reliable partner network.
  • Some of our competitors claim same day delivery, then you end up with flowers delivered the next day, or even later, and flowers are delivered by Australia Post, from some random location nowhere near Bathurst.
  • Our flowers are made, and come from legitimate bricks and mortar, local, partner florists in Bathurst. Our flowers do not come from a warehouse, made on a production line by untrained florists, in a location 100's of kilometres away. Find out more about where our flowers come from.
  • We have a contact number that you can call for free, where you can talk to a real person, located in Australia, about anything from ordering flowers to Bathurst, to getting expert advice about different flowers, to even getting help with writing your gift card message to the recipient of the flowers you send.
  • We offer real and genuine post-purchase support, we are not a 'set and forget business'. Call us at any time Monday to Saturday with any inquiry you may have about your order. The flowers were late, I didn't get what I ordered, I need to change the card message, I need a tax invoice for the flowers as they were paid for by my business, or the must love, the flowers were awesome, thank you so much.

FAQ: Delivery Questions

Can I nominate a specific delivery time?

We do not guarantee specific delivery times, but we strive to deliver flowers as promptly as possible to Bathurst addresses. Traffic conditions, weather, and the expansive nature of the Bathurst region may affect delivery times.

For special occasions such as funerals or important events in Bathurst and surrounding areas, we make extra efforts to ensure timely delivery. Similarly, for deliveries to schools in the area (like Bathurst Public School or Scots All Saints College), we ensure flowers arrive before closing time (typically 3-4 PM).

What is your delivery area?

This is the delivery area of our partner florists in Bathurst, generally speaking they deliver flowers within a 20-30KM radius of Bathurst. This map is purely for display purposes only and is placed here to genuinely show customers where flowers are delivered to as we get so many questions about it.

Lily's Florist is an Australian based flower deliver service and our flowers are delivered to Bathurst though our Bathurst partner florist network which has been mentioned above. Find our more about our partner network here.

Do you deliver flowers on Sundays?

Except for Mother's Day, we do not deliver flowers on Sundays in Bathurst or surrounding areas. You won't be able to select a Sunday delivery date in our shopping cart unless it's for Mother's Day.

Do you offer same-day flower delivery?

Yes, we offer same-day flower delivery in Bathurst from Monday to Saturday throughout the year, except on public holidays. To guarantee same-day delivery, please place your order by phone or online before 2 PM on the delivery day.

Orders received after 2 PM will be delivered the next day. Saturday orders received after 10 AM will be delivered on Monday morning.

Do you deliver to apartment blocks and residential complexes?

Yes, we deliver to all apartment blocks and residential complexes in Bathurst. It's essential that the recipient is home during delivery. If they're unavailable and we can't reach them via mobile, we'll return the flowers to our shop and discuss options like pickup or an additional delivery charge.

Local Area Information

Do you deliver to rural properties around Bathurst?

Yes, we deliver to rural properties in the greater Bathurst region. Please provide clear directions, property names, and any specific instructions that will help our drivers locate the property easily. For very remote properties, additional delivery fees may apply.

Can you deliver to Charles Sturt University campus?

Yes, we deliver to all Charles Sturt University campus locations in Bathurst. Please provide specific building names/numbers, department information, and recipient's contact details to ensure smooth delivery.

Do you deliver to businesses in Bathurst CBD?

Yes, we deliver to all business addresses in the Bathurst CBD and surrounding areas. For business deliveries, please provide the business name, address, recipient's name, and any specific delivery instructions (such as reception desk or specific department).

Do you deliver to Bathurst Base Hospital?

Yes, we deliver to Bathurst Base Hospital. When ordering for a hospital patient, please provide the ward, bed number, and recipient's mobile number to ensure smooth delivery. For hospital deliveries, we recommend arrangements that don't require vases and need minimal care.

General Ordering Information

How do I order flowers for delivery?

Visit our website to browse flower categories or use the search bar. Select your desired product, enter the Bathurst delivery address, choose the delivery date, select the size, and add to cart. You can also add extras like teddy bears or chocolates. Follow the checkout process to enter recipient and payment details.

What is the delivery fee?

We charge a standard delivery fee of $16.95 for all flower deliveries to Bathurst city addresses. For deliveries to outlying suburbs or rural areas surrounding Bathurst, additional charges may apply, which we'll discuss with you before proceeding.

What happens if nobody is home for delivery?

For Bathurst residential deliveries, if the recipient isn't home, we'll leave the flowers in a safe location away from direct sunlight and street view. If that's not possible, we'll call the recipient to arrange an alternative delivery time or discuss other options. In some cases, the flowers will be returned to the partner florist shop so that the recipient can pick them up there.

Do you offer specific delivery times for funerals?

Although we typically don't guarantee specific delivery times, we make exceptions for funeral services. We contact the funeral directors (such as Renshaw's Funeral Service or T.J. McGuiness Funerals) to confirm the service time and date, ensuring flowers arrive prior to the service.

Customer Service

Can I call you with questions about my delivery?

Yes, you can call us during our operating hours: Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM, and Saturdays from 7 AM to 12 PM. Contact us at 1800 466 534 with any questions about deliveries to Bathurst.

What if my flowers didn't arrive?

If your flowers weren't delivered to a Bathurst address, please contact us immediately. We'll investigate and work with you on the best solution, which might include rescheduling delivery or offering a full refund.

What if I'm not satisfied with the quality of my delivery?

If you feel the flowers delivered didn't meet your expectations, please email us pictures of the arrangement (from both sides) within 24 hours of delivery. We'll review the issue and work with you to find the best solution.

Payment Information

Do your prices include GST?

Yes, all our prices include GST.

Can I get a tax invoice for my order?

Online orders automatically receive a tax invoice via email. For phone orders, you can request a tax invoice after placing your order.

When can I expect a refund if needed?

If we've agreed that a refund is the best solution for your order, you'll typically receive it within 24 hours. For PayPal payments, the refund generally takes around 24 hours to process. PayPal refunds tend to happen instantly, credit card refunds can take 3-5 business days to hit your account.