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Buying flowers for yourself? For someone you love? You’ve come to the right place! Lily’ Florist is where you can find top-quality floral arrangements at reasonable prices. 

We have floral creations for every occasion, every type of recipient, and every budget. Browse by category and quickly find the design you need. Shop for bouquets with chocolates, roses with teddy bear, flowers with wine, and more/ 

Send Bouquets Today to Kings Park

Doing your flower shopping online at Lily’s Florist offers a lot of advantages. First is convenience as you can effortlessly arrange a flower delivery without having to leave your home or workplace. Shop during your morning coffee or just before you go to sleep at night. Order flowers for delivery to Kings Park at whatever time of the day, or night, from wherever you are in the world. 

Then there’s also the variety offered at an online flower shop. From common cut-flowers like lilies, roses, and gerberas to native blooms and seasonal flower varieties, you can find all these without any problem. And since our partner florists carefully inspect and select the flowers they use, you are also assured of a better vase life. Most of the time, we include flowers in bud form for longer-lasting freshness. 

Lily’s Florist Same Day Delivery

Speed of delivery won’t be an issue, too, when shopping for flower gifts online at Lily’s Florist. We have next-day, same-day, and pre-scheduled delivery on offer. Buy today and pick tomorrow as your delivery date or on a preferred schedule days or weeks from now. For last-minute gifting needs, our same-day delivery to Kings Park is here to rescue you. 

Order before 2 PM Monday to Friday in the recipient’s time zone for same-day delivery. Do your cart checkout before 10 AM for same-day Saturday delivery to Kings Park in Melbourne. 

Melbourne Fresh Flowers and Gifts

With our easy online ordering process, it will be so easy for you too to surprise your loved ones and make them smile just because. It would mean the world to your Mum to get an unexpected “thank you” bouquet even when it isn’t Mother’s Day. Sweep your beloved off her feet, again, with an out-of-the-blue “I love you” roses sent for no particular reason or occasion. 

Shop at Lily’s now for birthday flowers, get-well floral gifts, sympathy flower arrangements, and more. We deliver bouquets and flower arrangements to homes, offices, hospitals, schools, health and aged care facilities in and around Kings Park, VIC.