
Featured Flowers

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Need bright and happy summer flowers? You have come to the right place! Lily’s Florist is where you can conveniently find cheery bouquets perfect for bringing sunshine to someone’s day. Think giant orange mums, brilliant yellow sunflowers, and charming yellow-orange gerbera daisies. Our bright and beautiful bouquets are perfect for uplifting broken hearts, speeding up recoveries, and boosting moods. 

Shop today and discover the most cheerful flowers you can get to brighten someone’s day.

Fabulous Flowers by Lily’s Florist

Aside from lush, colourful, happy bouquets, we also have romantic flowers, sympathy flowers, and dramatic flowers perfect for communicating a message. Our florists are the best in their field and they’re proficient not just in the basics of flower arranging but also in the language of flowers. When you need a gift that can speak on your behalf, you have our fresh flowers to count on.

Say “get well soon,” “I’ll always be here for you,” or “I can’t live without you” through a hand-arranged bouquet from Lily’s Florist Langwarrin. It would be our pleasure to prepare a lovely ensemble of handpicked flowers and rich greenery that will creatively and accurately depict your message.

Bouquets Delivered Same Day to Langwarrin

Order before 2PM (Monday to Friday) for same-day delivery. Take note of our earlier 10AM Saturday same-day delivery cut-off, though. Feel free to order in advance to make sure you won’t miss an important occasion.

Special occasion flowers for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, and Secretary’s Day are also available. Looking for native flowers? We have those, too. Bouquets paired with gifts like chocolates, wine, and teddy bear are also available.

Langwarrin Online Flower Delivery

When you order from us, expect flowers that are beaming with freshness and beauty. We make sure that we only deliver bouquets and flower arrangements that we ourselves would be pleased to receive. The florists we’ve partnered with are carefully selected and evaluated to ensure that they share the same passion, mission and vision as us – to craft and provide impressive and expressive floral gifts at a great value.

Buy flowers online at Lily’s Florist today! We deliver flower arrangements anywhere in the suburb of Langwarrin that’s 26 miles southeast from Melbourne CBD. We can bring flowers not just to homes but also to schools, churches, hospitals, aged care facilities, funeral homes, and offices in and around Langwarrin.