
Featured Flowers

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Make someone’s day special with a little surprise delivered by Lily’s Florist. Shop now and send a bunch of beautiful fresh flowers to your partner, to a dear friend, to Mum or Grandma, or to someone you care about. Your little surprise gift is bound to make the recipient’s day!

Fast Flower Delivery to Maidstone, Melbourne

A wide variety of flower gifts are waiting for you here at Lily’s Florist. Discover our different product categories and find gifts your loved ones will surely appreciate. From bright and big birthday bouquets to romantic pastel flower arrangements and to comforting sympathy flower gifts, we have everything you need.

Express love, show admiration, send wishes of good health, and convey appreciation through the language of fresh flowers. Make the most of this power of fresh blooms to deliver messages of love and affection in the most beautiful way. 

A lush display of blooms and foliage is guaranteed to bring a positive change in mood, too. So, turn someone’s day around by sending a flower gift. 

Maidstone Flower Delivery Same Day

Order right this minute and let’s get your flower gift delivered fast! Same-day delivery is available for flower orders placed before 2PM Monday to Friday. Saturday same-day flower deliveries apply to orders placed before 10AM. Browse our flower collection now and explore the flower deals you can take advantage of! 

Save up to $21 or get up to 15% off of your flower order. Want a box of chocolates at no extra cost? Browse our Freebies category for flower arrangements that come with free sweets. You may also want to shop from our Florist’s Choice section and find the finest deals on fresh flower arrangements featuring the day’s most gorgeous blossoms. 

Order Flowers Online at Lily’s Florist 

All flower gifts prepared and delivered by Lily’s Florist feature handpicked blooms that have been carefully inspected for quality. We want the recipients to enjoy their flowers for two weeks at least and so we may include blooms in closed bud form so your loved one can watch them blossom.

Don’t waste a second now! Shop today and treat someone special to an equally special fresh flower arrangement.