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Flowers To Ocean Grove

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Welcome to Lily’s Florist, your one-stop destination for all your floral gifting needs in Ocean Grove! We understand the challenge of finding the perfect gift, and that’s why we offer a diverse array of flower arrangements, bouquets, and added sweet extras to cater to every occasion and preference. With blooms in every colour of the rainbow and options for every budget, we make sending love and thoughts as easy as a click. Dive into our vibrant selection and let us help you brighten someone’s day, or why not treat yourself to a delightful bunch? Start shopping and discover today’s fabulous flower deals at Lily’s Florist!

Why Use Lily's Florist? Here's 3 Good Reason

Varied SelectionWith flowers in every colour and designs ranging from traditional to modern, Lily’s Florist offers something for everyone’s taste and every occasion.

Convenience and Speed: Our user-friendly online shop and swift same-day delivery options in Ocean Grove make gifting flowers a breeze, even for last-minute needs.

Quality and Personal TouchEvery bouquet from Lily’s Florist is hand-arranged with care, ensuring a personal and high-quality gift every time.

It isn’t always easy to buy gifts for our loved ones – that is a fact. But it’s also a fact that everyone loves flowers and that flowers are appropriate gifts for all occasions. Here at Lily’s Florist, we’ve prepared diverse floral arrangements, bouquets, and bunches to help you find the perfect floral gifts for your family and friends. All our loving flowers are delivered by our network partner Ocean Grove florists.

'Timely Delivery ' Fresh flowers '. Always pretty bouquets and reliable service. I order regularly from perth and knowing a good online florists can be difficult. The flowers from Lilly’s are always beautiful and the service is great!' Source: Feefo

Browse our entire selection and find exquisite floral creations that you can conveniently send anywhere in Ocean Grove. 


  • Q: Is same-day delivery available to Ocean Grove?

    A: Yes, order by 2 pm on weekdays or 10 am on Saturdays for same-day delivery to Ocean Grove.

  • Q: Can I add extras like chocolates or teddy bears to my floral gift?

    A: Absolutely, we offer a variety of sweet extras like chocolates, teddy bears, wines, and balloons that can be paired with any floral arrangement.

  • Q: Are special occasion flowers available during respective seasons?

    A: Yes, we provide special occasion flowers for events like Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day during their respective seasons.

  • Q: Can you deliver to both residences and business addresses in Ocean Grove?

    A: Certainly, we deliver to residences, business addresses, hospitals, and more in and around Ocean Grove.

  • Q: Can I order flowers for myself as well as for others?

    A: Of course! You’re welcome to treat yourself to our delightful blooms as well as send them as gifts to loved ones.

Ocean Grove Fresh Flower Gifts

Discover floral arrangements in modern and traditional designs - from monochromatic rose bouquets to visually exciting displays of exotic blooms and native flowers. We have blooms in every colour of the rainbow and we have flowers to suit every occasion, preference, and budget. Whatever reason you have for sending a floral gift, the team from Lily’s Florist can provide a delightful ensemble of handpicked blooms and fresh foliage. 

Extras to make your floral gift sweeter are likewise available. We have wines, chocolates, vases, teddy bears, and balloons that can be paired with any floral bunch or bouquet. Special occasion flowers for Christmas, Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day are available during their respective seasons. 

Same Day Flower Delivery to Ocean Grove

Ordering blooms for delivery to Ocean Grove in Ocean Grove is so easy. Pick a design, then pick a delivery date. Schedule the delivery at a future day or select next-day delivery. We also have a super-fast same-day delivery service to address your last-minute gifting needs. Shop by 2pm in the recipient’s time zone for Monday to Friday same-day flower delivery to Ocean Grove. Please order before 10 am for Saturday same-day delivery. 

Lily’s Florist delivers hand-arranged flowers to residences and business addresses in and around Ocean Grove. We’ll get that “thinking of you” floral gift delivered to your loved one’s doorstep, or that get-well flower gifts delivered to a hospital. Turn to us when you need romantic flowers to surprise your special someone in her workplace. Count on us, too, when you want to connect – through the language of flowers - with faraway family and friends in Ocean Grove. 

Shop Online at Lily’s Florist 

We can’t wait to craft something spectacular for your loved one! Order now and let’s help you make someone’s day brighter with a radiant ensemble of yellow roses, peach carnations, snapdragons, and fresh white lilies. You can order a bunch of lemon-yellow blooms for yourself, too!

Lily's Florist stands as a beacon of beauty and thoughtfulness in Ocean Grove, offering you a myriad of floral creations and gifts tailored for every occasion. Our dedication to quality, variety, and convenience ensures that you can effortlessly convey your feelings, be it love, gratitude, or sympathy, through our handpicked blooms and fresh foliage. Whether it’s a spontaneous gesture, a holiday celebration, or a heartfelt message, let the flowers speak volumes. Don’t miss out on making someone’s day brighter – explore our online shop and enjoy the splendid flower deals we have in store for you!