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Flower Delivery Pimlico

Order Online Or Call Us

We are a leading online florist delivering roses, Australian native flowers, bouquets of seasonal blooms and gift hampers to Pimlico and nearby suburbs in Townsville.

Why Order Flowers From Us?

Order fresh flower gifts online and be able to keep in touch with loved ones even when you’re miles away. Our online store is open 24/7 and can easily be accessed using a computer or Smartphone. Wherever you are in the world, you can arrange flower deliveries to Pimlico, Townsville at any day or time that’s most convenient for you.

Buy flowers for Mum on your coffee break or order birthday flowers for someone special before you go to bed. All orders received before 2PM (delivery location timezone) can be delivered on the same day of purchase.

No more lining up, driving far, or getting through crowds of shoppers just to get a fresh flower arrangement. With Lily’s Florist, you can conveniently shop online and meaningfully connect with loved ones in Pimlico through a symbolic flower gift.

Which Bouquets To Buy To Pimlico?

We have flowers for all occasions – birthday, anniversary, birth of a new baby, graduation, Mother’s Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day. We also have flowers for every sentiment so you can say “I miss you,” “I’m sorry,” or “Get well soon” with a touching flower gift.

Also available are bouquets paired with heavenly chocolates and bottles of wine. Gift hampers for new mums are likewise available. Want fresh fruits or savoury treats to go with your choice of flowers? We have those gift baskets as well.

Other Delivery Areas Outside Of Pimlico

Exploring the wonderful array of flowers from places like Douglas, Currajong, and Cranebrook, one can't help but be mesmerised by the diverse beauty each region brings. As you peruse through our online catalogue at Lily’s Florist, you'll find a myriad of options inspired by the unique flowers from these regions. Each arrangement tells a story, each bouquet carries an emotion, and with our swift delivery services, your sentiments reach your loved ones just in time. 

5 Flower Inspired New Baby Names

  1. Lily: Derived from the Latin word 'lilium', this name is inspired by the delicate and elegant Lily flower, often symbolising purity and beauty.
  2. Rose: A timeless name representing the classic and romantic Rose flower, which is often associated with love and passion.
  3. Violet: Taken from the purple/blue flower, the name Violet is often associated with modesty and simplicity.
  4. Jasmine: Inspired by the fragrant white flower, this name has Persian roots and is often linked with grace and elegance.
  5. Dahlia: Named after the vibrant and intricate Dahlia flower, this name has Scandinavian origins and symbolises elegance and inner strength.

To find out more try reading out blog post on the 20 Most Charming Flower-Inspired Baby Names.

Lily’s Florist Same Day Delivery to Pimlico

Our partner Pimlico florists deliver bouquets of beautiful fresh flowers to business and residential addresses around CastleTown Shoppingworld, Centenary Hotel, Pimlico State High School and Anderson Park. We can also deliver get-well flower arrangements to Mater Hospital Pimlico.

Flowers have the innate ability to convey emotions, sentiments, and messages that words sometimes can't. Whether it's a celebration, a token of love, or a simple gesture of appreciation, a bouquet from Lily's Florist is bound to make someone's day special. Don't wait for an occasion; make today the day. Order now and send a bouquet of emotions to your loved ones in Pimlico.